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TPS sensor issue 07 RTX w/MPI blower


Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Diagnostics display showing a code 15 (tps). Ran the self diagnostic and found the results out of spec. indicating a bad tps. Can't figure out what would take out a tps and at over 200$ for a new one I'd like to check all the other possibilitys before I start throwing parts at it.
I've checked continuity, shorts to ground and shorts within the tps harness and they all check out. There are no signs of chaffing on the harness and the sled still runs fine (at least it seems to, hard to go for a rip now without snow). The yellow lite and the code 15 go away when the sled is started but return when the key is turned to the on position prior to the next startup. WTF :o| I'd like to get this taken care of before summer storage, but the ice is gone and the boat is getting jelous! Need to get the wind in my hair and the bugs in my teeth.
That is standard with the MPI fuel controller. You have to either bypass the TORS system and just live with the Code 15/84 before the sled is started.

You can't test the TPS with the MPI controller hooked up either. You must unhook the controller and test the TPS stock to test it correctly.
Any thoughts on why this would show up now?
Its never thrown a code before.
Mine does the same thing and its the MPI controller. Is it possible you never let the sled sit in the pre start postion before now? It happens everytime. Once started away you go and no code no issues.
Thanks for the input gentlemen. Much appreciated. Baby has gone to bed.
Bring on the snarling 2 strokes :Rockon:
