I need help guys, im getting ready to go to Wyoming a week from tmrw, and i have my xtx at the dealer trying to get the clutch setup and they call and say inorder to go west i have to put a different primary spring in, and far as wieghts go they cant just simple swap they have drill out the rivots and then reinstall. Then when i get back that means they have to reinstall new rivots! This just sounds dumb as pissin into the wind. I'm coming off of a polaris and to go west all i ever did was just swap weights and i was ready to go! So what i'm asking is that is there an easier way like just swaping or does it have to be this way?????
Len Todd
TY 4 Stroke God
Why not by a set of supertips and then adjust them for where you ride the most. Then drill out the stock weights to match mountain setup. Then whenever you go mountain, all you have to do is swap the weights and springs.