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Ulmer or Schmidt Bros. for suspension kits


Nov 7, 2011
Lake Orion, MI
I need to correct the hyfax wear on my sled and was wondering what people are using. If the Ulmer kit solves the problem it is much cheaper than the full Schmidt kit. I also had some input about ski doo wheels. What are some suggestions from the forum

try out the excell oversize wheel kit, works well... i put 3500km on it last ear and no issues and the bearings are replacable
I will be giving the new Yamaha Dupont slides a try this yr. They claim that you can get 4,000 miles out of them. Might be another option to look into?
09NytroRTX said:
I will be giving the new Yamaha Dupont slides a try this yr. They claim that you can get 4,000 miles out of them. Might be another option to look into?

if they have the same wear characteristics as hyperfax slides then I say go for it. I switched to hyperfax slides last year and put almost 2000 miles on them and have very little wear, before that I had the regular cheapo stock yami slides and they lasted about 500 miles... (which seemed to be my average mileage having to change slides the previous winter)

edit... I forgot to add that Ive used slidkick ice scratchers on my sled both years that I have owned it.
I use two sets of low snow idlers and use the scratchers when the snow is packed or on ice. I replace my sliders every fall and never during the winter. 2200 miles last winter and I am no where close to the wear lines.
