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What sled to buy?? 09 Nytro RTX SE or 09 Doo 800r X package

I've never owned a 2 stroke long enough to have engine issues, so I can't really comment on reliability. My wife rides a 550Fan MXZ and it's been good to us for 3 seasons but only has 2700 miles so there should be no worries yet.

My dealer and I had a long discussion around the Yamaha engines and why they are so reliable and it comes down to use. A 2 stroke engine requires full throttle and power to reach that peak horsepower and the power band is narrower, however you are using the engines full potential much more.

The 4 stroke Yamaha engines never really use 100% of their potential. Many of the 4 stroke engines are manufactured to be able to rev at over 12000RPM, but there are still no clutching solutions that will allow for an engine to REV that high. Therefore when you are using a 4 stroke engine you are running at 60-70% of that engines full capacity. Also, because the power band is wider, you aren't pushing the engine to that peak RPM as often.

Obviously there is more to it than just use, people will debate the 4 vs 2 theories all day, but in the end, the 4 stroke has proven itself as the longer lasting, lower maintenance engine.

As for the sleds, those REV's certainly are light and handle nice, but they are not without their handling issues either. Every sled needs to be set up to the riders specifications and riding style. No sled can do it right out of the box.


Clearly the Nytro will outlast the XP several times over.
Nytro first maintenance beyond oil changes and chaincase lube changes:
check valve clearnaces at either 20,000 or 24,000 miles.

How many rebuilds will the XP be on then or will it have been recycled into beer cans by then?

I like the XP a lot, just not built to be long term sled.
