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where is the info on the new Yamaha race sleds?


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Oct 29, 2007
Fall City WA
What gives? The new race sleds should be racing USCC in a couple of weeks. Anyone got the lowdown on anything new that the sleds will have?

I think the cross-country sleds will be stock but the hillclimb effort will have stock sleds along with factory turbo sleds(motors built buy factory superbike team,280HP,113 octane fuel).Hillclimb mod sleds are about 70% complete.
There isn't anything to report. They are racing the same old sleds they did before. I believe the definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Obviously I'm not impressed with the latest "effort" on the race scene. This go around will just provide owners of other brands new fodder to use when making fun of Yamaha sleds. Exactly what is the point of racing the same old sleds to hope to come in mid pack?
AKrider said:
There isn't anything to report. They are racing the same old sleds they did before..
that is incorrect.

AKrider said:
I believe the definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing over and over and expecting a different result.
how many times have you said this statement? :moon:
ruffryder said:
AKrider said:
There isn't anything to report. They are racing the same old sleds they did before..
that is incorrect.

Really... please enlighten me then.

AKrider said:
I believe the definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing over and over and expecting a different result.
how many times have you said this statement? :moon:[/quote]

I believe this is second time and I will continue to say it when they race the same old mod sleds in open class that they had in the '07-'08 and '08-'09 seasons. Do you some how consider bold new graphics for the stock class sleds as some kind of performance upgrade?
AKrider said:
Really... please enlighten me then.
If I had the information I could, but then why would I start this post?

All I know is that they are using it for cross country and hill climbing.... and I can't wait to see what the front end of that thing looks like!!!!
Okay. Help me out here as I'm trying to follow the logic of your posts. You first ask for information and I provide you what I have heard from two very knowledgeable sources. You then discredit my posts and act as if you have some insider information.

Now with your latest post you say you don't have any info but then go on to mention a front end.

Let's hear it. I'm dying to have you confirm that they have been testing different types of front ends since '07 but still won't offer them on their consumer sleds. How exciting.
AKrider: I really do enjoy your posts. They are very blunt & to the point. We need people with the balls to speak out on this website. BUT, the last 5 or 6 responses from you have been very negative & bitter sounding. ruffryder was asking a simple question, not asking why Yamaha sucks. Please continue your with your opinions, but it sounds like you may have info that could actually help rufffyder out...
I'm not trying to be a jerk but I answered his question and he either didn't like my response or feels he has information that contradicts what I know.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be proven wrong but I've been around this for years. I just don't see what there is to be excited about regarding this latest marketing... I mean "racing" effort by Yamaha.
AKrider said:
I'm not trying to be a jerk but I answered his question and he either didn't like my response or feels he has information that contradicts what I know.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be proven wrong but I've been around this for years. I just don't see what there is to be excited about regarding this latest marketing... I mean "racing" effort by Yamaha.

marketing... I mean "racing" Well said.....
Well said. I actually hope Yamaha gets their butts kicked so maybe they'll get going with improvements. Don't get me wrong i love my '07 GT for northern Maine trails, but in 2 years I'll have to buy new. Maybe by then there will be some improvements. Let's face it: LOOSING races forces change...
The way i look at it yamaha winning that one and only snocross race in 2007 sold alot of Nytros.If they kept on winning the other three sled builders would of cryed foul, and had the ISOC throw the rule book at yamaha.This happens alot in various forms of motorsports.
