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Which GPS unit to buy?


Aug 25, 2007
Southwestern Ontario
I am looking at purchasing a new GPS unit but need some help. I am looking for one that can help me navigate in my vehicle but will also work directing me around on the trails. Can someone suggest a good model and what I should look for? I live in Ontario.
Your help is appreciated.


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I'd suggest a Garmin mapping handheld unit like the Etrex line, or the 60 or 76 series. I recently purchased an Etrex Legend HCX from Crappy Tire for $300.

I based my decision on a number of factors:

- Garmin produce very popular and reliable units.
- More software seems to be compatible with them than other brands.
- Best seller, therefore there are more snowmobilers using them which means more maps to find on the internet.
- Temperature rating down to -15 degrees C.
- Battery life much better than comparable units from other manufacturers.

Initially, I was looking at the GPSs that were designed for vehicles (due to the the larger screen and touch screen options), but I soon found out that the touch screen designs weren't water resistant/waterproof and the temp ratings aren't as good as the handhelds. They may work outdoors, but I felt I would have to be more careful in handling them. Also, not sure on this but I think many of the in car units don't have the "mapping feature" which you can use to create your own trails.

I'm very happy with my unit, hahaha.

More info at http://garmin.com
I am happy with my Magellan XL the batteries last 19 hours one set and it has a big screen rugged built and has SD expansion.
-mapping ability
-memory card
-temp rating
-water resistant

Just found out yesterday that you can get the same model that I paid for at Canadian Tire ($300) for only $220 at Le Baron.
Mind if I take a lift?

I am also looking for a good GPS unit, specifically for my sled. I have one in the truck (a TomTom), which works great for cars but not for snowmobiles.
Simply put, I suck at reading maps and have no sence of direction. I really need a unit to get me home again, if not I die. If will use it only on the sled and 4 wheeler.

So I would really like a good one, prefably with the Ontario trails on it. Money is not an issue.
I read that Garmin is very popular, but which one is the best?
garmin zumo has all of the important features and is waterproof
i have used mine in below zero temps and it works fine
by the way you can also download a snowmobile icon from the garmin garage... sweet!
charger0926 said:
garmin zumo has all of the important features and is waterproof
i have used mine in below zero temps and it works fine
by the way you can also download a snowmobile icon from the garmin garage... sweet!

Isn't that one meant to be used on a motorcycle? More street oriented I think. Can you put trails on it?

I also took a look at a Garmin Oregon, looks good, haven't seen it live yet and would like to know experience from people who actually used it on a sled.
yes it is made more for a motorcycle, but i loaded trail maps on it from vvmapping and it works great, it is also a little more shock proof than other units
Oky, so I am looking at these GPS units:

Garmin 60CXs
Garmin Zumo
Garmin Oregon 400t

The 60CSx is apparently popular here, but it seems to me a somewhat older device, no touchscreen.
The Zumo is more a traditional GPS, but more rugged. Does it well on trails?
The Oregon looks cool and is more modern, but is difficult to read in daylight. Maybe not so good after all.

Any thoughts on these devices?
I have been thinking of getting a GPS too --I have been looking at the 60 CSX & Colorado 400t

I want to stick with a handheld GPS in the really bad case of .. "I need to walk out to a road" -so compass matter too.

Finally, the loading trail maps is another big deal.

Opinions from those who use these, please!
I think you can load any of the Garmin maps onto any of the aforementioned Garmin units, so I don't believe one said unit is better at displaying maps versus the other.

The choice is up to you. Compare each Make, Model, features that you're looking for (size, touch screen, mapping, etc.), as well as price.

Since you want it for a snowmobile, one that can handle outdoor extremes is imperative in my opinion.
I have a 60CSX on my Apex. It is great. Easy to use and endless features. Highly recomend it.
I have the Garmin Rhino 520 and the Legend. Since I bought the Rhino I have not even turned the Legend on. I use the Rhino in my truck and sled. If you do not ride with others that have the Rhino then it is not worth the money, the 60CSX is a better investment if you are looking also to use it as handheld. As mentioned, what ever you decide to purchase make sure it will take a memory card. Downloading detailed Topo maps take a lot memory.
