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Which is it, too many conflicting stories..??

LJ 452 said:
08' RTX shock valving is junk all around the sled. Somehow Yamaha manage to ruin the best part of the floats. So if you go 08' send all the shocks in for a revalve.

I'd say that's an opinion...I'm not an aggressive rider and have zero issues with the way it's valved. It's certainly not as harsh as I thought it would be..I'm glad I saved some coin on buying those add on resevoirs.

The air volume is the least of your worries. Talk to anyone who has rode an 08' RTX with properly revalved floats. You really don't know what your missing.
Maxout01 said:
To answer some things here... I am the type of guy who buys a sled takes it home tears it down and does things my way. But this time around looking for something to buy new, do little too and just ride it. Sick of project sleds. As for all the doo comments, I agree the new etecs have a stupid design in that sealed bearing and are just waiting to go. But you guys are forgetting the 2stroke doos are not the nytro equivalent its the xr 1200 4tec thats doos answer o he nytro. I've heard a lot less complaints about the 1200 then I do on he nytro. I'm not brand loyal but do prefer to ride and own blue. But in all honesty my revs I owned previous to the apex were less maintaince, better on fuel, and overall cost me a lot less in parts then the apex. I'm not looking to buy a doo as I like the nytro better then the too light xp chassis, but I kinda feel like yamaha let me down again..I'm not rich so I cant buy a new sled and drop a poop ton into it.

Sounds like you are like most of us, when I bought my Nytro it was between the 600Etec and Nytro, to me the 1200 Doo looks like a tank thou I never rode one. The first weekend I had the Nytro I hated it and was going to get the 600 Etec for sure. As the weekend went on I seen 3 Etecs down on the trail and got used to the Nytro. Then I really started to like the Nytro but felt it had way to much torque for the 121" track. So this year it is a 136" OFT Nytro and really looking forward to it. And I have since took a 600 Etec for a ride and after 5 min I wanted the Nytro back.

Sliders, wheels and ball joints are a real piss off but nothing compared to a 2G weekend gone bad and a tow call 4 hours into the woods..
Let me ask it this way.. as a guy with over 4 season and 10,000 miles on revs how am I going to like his sled?
Sounds like you are pretty sure you don't think you'd be happy with a nytro. Thats a pretty good reason to NOT spend ten thousand dollars.
Maxout01 said:
Let me ask it this way.. as a guy with over 4 season and 10,000 miles on revs how am I going to like his sled?

At first, probably not at all. Not because the sled isn't good, it's just going to be different. If your going with an 09' or newer, it will be the closest thing Yamaha has to a REV(NON-XP). I've only ridden a Rev for a weekend and it was a 550 so turf to do a direct comparison. I do think the Nytro has a better seating position and the vertical rotation of the bars, while strange at first, I actually like it now because I can crank the bars and not have the bar end in my chest. If you are the type of rider that doesn't adjust well to sleds other than your own, well then you probably should look elsewhere.
what was the thing you liked most about the rev...sitting and standing position...thats the nytro...lightness...thats not...

the nytro's motor is smooth and sweeeeet...torquey..

the rest needs some tweaking to your fit and desires...but it can get real good...most I know that have and tweaked like myself say...if I sold it what would I get...most sleds would be a backwards step once this sled is tweaked ..

once tuned and tweaked...it feels much lighter...flater...better...
and with the same motor...now tuned and tweaked...fast!
The rev was fun. Could ride through anything. Real Good in the rough. Fun to come up to moguls gun it and ride over the next set on just the track. Could handle turns at 70mph and rail. Never had any problems with it. Bullet proof, great on gas. Could jump the hell out it. My issue and why i sold it was the seating position. Couldn't move my legs, I was locked in. nytro seems to have better seating. Now keep in mind since I had the rev I've had an apex too. I don't need or want the apexs power only because it never gets used past 80. Skidoo skid always seem to soft for me also. The nytro seems to be firmer which I like. My thing is the skidoo never twitched, never was tipsy or anything so if the nytro is going to through me over while hard cruising I don't want it. My only real complaints wit the doo were soft suspension even with upgraded shocks, knees locked in place when sitting, and needed more torque. I love torque more then top end. I love to cruise and ride fast, and stand up and take a beating from bell. I ride fast all the time. Take turns at high speeds and don't slow up when he the trail gets rough. I know quality of tje nytro isn't of par with most others. My apex isn't either.. I'm more worried that on a,lazy day the nytro is going to send my into a tree or throw me off in a fast turn. I never had to worry about that kind of handling on the rev. My biggest worry with the nytro is this twichty inpredictable handling.
Maxout01 said:
The rev was fun. Could ride through anything. Real Good in the rough. Fun to come up to moguls gun it and ride over the next set on just the track. Could handle turns at 70mph and rail. Never had any problems with it. Bullet proof, great on gas. Could jump the hell out it. My issue and why i sold it was the seating position. Couldn't move my legs, I was locked in. nytro seems to have better seating. Now keep in mind since I had the rev I've had an apex too. I don't need or want the apexs power only because it never gets used past 80. Skidoo skid always seem to soft for me also. The nytro seems to be firmer which I like. My thing is the skidoo never twitched, never was tipsy or anything so if the nytro is going to through me over while hard cruising I don't want it. My only real complaints wit the doo were soft suspension even with upgraded shocks, knees locked in place when sitting, and needed more torque. I love torque more then top end. I love to cruise and ride fast, and stand up and take a beating from bell. I ride fast all the time. Take turns at high speeds and don't slow up when he the trail gets rough. I know quality of tje nytro isn't of par with most others. My apex isn't either.. I'm more worried that on a,lazy day the nytro is going to send my into a tree or throw me off in a fast turn. I never had to worry about that kind of handling on the rev.

I'm not sure what you mean about quality but I ride Yamaha and Skidoo only, the other two are not even an option due to poor fit and finish. I had a 600 REV SDI last which I loved and riding that now is like jumping on a 250 Bravo.
Well, I have an 09 RXT and am very satisfied. I came off an Apex and you and I have similar riding preferences. I have stock skis with 4" Slim jims; 50 psi on floats; limiter strap tightened 1 hole from stock setting; center shock spring set between middle and full loose; stabilizer bar on tightest setting; and transfer control blocks installed. I have not experienced twitchy or unpredictable handling. Some slight push on loose snow at higher speeds. The rider postition makes hanging off the sled so very easy (for me anyway at 6'1") when taking corners fast. I look forward it. With that being said, even when not hanging off around corners the front stays planted better than my Apex ever did. In contrast, I rode my bro's REV 600 e-tec Renagade and felt the handling was exacty what you are looking to avoid. Twitchy and unpredictable at times and my bro and I about the same size. Steering felt heavier too. Also, I felt like I was riding "on" of the REV. You ride "in" the nytro. The REV had a nice rear ride, which I liked, but like so many are saying...make your tweaks. I'm having the rear shocks revalved for more sit down comfort and adding a different set of skis to add bite to address my needs. I think you'll enjoy the nytro. Good luck.
I think someone needs to go to a demo day instead of listening to everyone else and make up your own mind on how it rides/handles. If your dealer wont let you rip around on the sled before you are about to spend 10k I would start with another dealer.
Zakre said:
I think someone needs to go to a demo day instead of listening to everyone else and make up your own mind on how it rides/handles. If your dealer wont let you rip around on the sled before you are about to spend 10k I would start with another dealer.

Well, heres the issues there, lol! I've been to 3 different demos rides for yamaha. All three rides they brought two nytros only, mostly had apexs.

The first time the two nytros were broke down on the ride before i was up to ride!!
The second year, someone tagged a tree with one, and the other one bent a subframe to the point they wouldnt allow anyone else to ride it.
Last year was the third trip. I'm waiting in line to go, and some 19 year old kid rode the nytro right into a tree, and totaled it. It looked like a car hit it head on, there was nothing left of it. Next ride after that, someone rolled the other nytro demo sled, and totaled that one..

Now, we get no snow locally to really demo a sled at a local dealer, unless i wait till mid winter, so thats out..

This is something else that makes me nervous, i hear all the twitchy front end, tippy remarks and three years of demos and all three years the nytros we totaled before i got to ride them.. makes me alittle nervous, lol!

Now i got ride the new apexs and all the other models, but still not the nytros..

I cant wait till mid season to buy a sled, or im stuck riding my g/f's 01 vmax thats in my avatar pic.

On top of all that everybody i know that rides sleds with me hates yamahas so its not like i can steal a buddys for a ride or whatever either. Doos and cats are huge around me, yamahas are hated... (i know pisses me off too, lol)

so thats why i havent ridden one yet in a nutshell..
Maxout01 said:
Zakre said:
I think someone needs to go to a demo day instead of listening to everyone else and make up your own mind on how it rides/handles. If your dealer wont let you rip around on the sled before you are about to spend 10k I would start with another dealer.

Well, heres the issues there, lol! I've been to 3 different demos rides for yamaha. All three rides they brought two nytros only, mostly had apexs.

The first time the two nytros were broke down on the ride before i was up to ride!!
The second year, someone tagged a tree with one, and the other one bent a subframe to the point they wouldnt allow anyone else to ride it.
Last year was the third trip. I'm waiting in line to go, and some 19 year old kid rode the nytro right into a tree, and totaled it. It looked like a car hit it head on, there was nothing left of it. Next ride after that, someone rolled the other nytro demo sled, and totaled that one..

Now, we get no snow locally to really demo a sled at a local dealer, unless i wait till mid winter, so thats out..

This is something else that makes me nervous, i hear all the twitchy front end, tippy remarks and three years of demos and all three years the nytros we totaled before i got to ride them.. makes me alittle nervous, lol!

Now i got ride the new apexs and all the other models, but still not the nytros..

I cant wait till mid season to buy a sled, or im stuck riding my g/f's 01 vmax thats in my avatar pic. So i can either buy one and try it, or

everybody i know that rides sleds hates yamahas so its not like i can steal a buddys for a ride or whatever either. Doos and cats are huge around me.

so thats why i havent ridden one yet in a nutshell..

This must be a bad omen for you getting to try one out, however I wouldn't trade my nytro for any new sled straight up, It has its quirks, but the twitchyness really has to do with the setup. Mine was terrible at first darting and following other tracks, new skis and proper toe out and shes happy now. My doo riding friends always remind me of the poor handling of my sled, but I dont mind though as I spend more time waiting at the side of the trail for them to catch up. I just neglect to point this out to the fanboys.
[/quote]This must be a bad omen for you getting to try one out, however I wouldn't trade my nytro for any new sled straight up, It has its quirks, but the twitchyness really has to do with the setup. Mine was terrible at first darting and following other tracks, new skis and proper toe out and shes happy now. My doo riding friends always remind me of the poor handling of my sled, but I dont mind though as I spend more time waiting at the side of the trail for them to catch up. I just neglect to point this out to the fanboys.[/quote]

Yea always my luck, lol! If the demo people would stop letting 19 yr old snocorss wannabes ride them then it wouldn't happen to begin with, but thats another story.

I usually run c&a skis, I have a good friend who owns a big shock rebuilding shop right near me, and i'm used to messing with suspension set-ups, so maybe this isnt a bad choice for me.

When you guys mean twitchyness are people referring to the bad dart/twitching most yamahas exhibit with stock skis and such, and they assume its worse cause the nytro is more aggressive? Cause if thats the case then really I can fix that. Been there with the vmax, and apex too.

I dont want to buy something with a bad design flaw that will plague me for the time i own it, thats my thing. If thats not really the cause, im willing to work on the fixes.
i have a 09 xtx and i bought it last season rode 1500 miles and love it.needs suspension adjusted to your liking.sweet sled.i would buy another one.but hopefully i wont have to for a long time
