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Wind Deflectors


Nov 9, 2009
2014 SR Viper LTX DX
I had found my sled to be cold, a) due to my low windshield and b) lots of wind hitting my legs.
So I bought a medium windshield hoping that would take care of most of it (will try it out this winter), however that didn't solve the leg issue. On my old Phazer I had purchased Yamahas wind deflectors that worked great, I was looking for something similar to that for the Viper.
In the FaceBook group Jim had made a comment referencing his wind deflectors, so I had to inquire about them.
They are an Arctic Cat item, found here... http://store.arcticcat.com/product/648024/6639-453/_/Wind_Deflectors_-_Black
I ordered them in and installed them today. They look like they will do the job great. My only issue is that they cover up some of the decals. I could order in a wrap kit and redo the stock graphics, that would make it much more visually appealing, but one thing at a time. Warmth over looks (at least for now).
Here are a few pics if anyone is interested.

I have the medium windshield and ride in the U.P. and dont get cold. You will like it.
I bought better gear - Motor Fist and left my sled looking HOT! no granny shield for me. Although the moto cross helmet is a no go with the low windshield but a cross helmet and granny shield makes me look older than I really am at 52.
I have them on my LTX-SE and they don't cover any of the lettering, it looks pretty good with them on but I'm going to have the same issue as you with the 2015 ltx-dx in black that Iv got coming for the wife. She won't care though, as long as she's warm and if she's not she turn on her heated seat. :Rockon:
Here's a picture of my blue LTX-SE with the wind deflectors for the people who are private messaging for pics. Sorry I don't have any better pics but this is all I have right now.
That looks good, wish my graphics were like that.. oh well, warmth!
I think I'm going to pick up a sport Windshield and try it out as they look much better. After I installed the wind deflectors, the first ride with them it was minus 25c and I had to open all my vents on my suit as I was too hot. That was the first time all season that I had to do that, I continually froze my #*$&@ off before they were on as we had a really cold winter.
Thanks, looks much better on yours... from further away mine looks fine, but of course you'll always be picky about your own machine (which usually leads into more money)
This is the sled I snowchecked for the wife for this year, Iv already picked up another set of the wind deflectors. It's going to have the same problem with covering the decals, she says she doesn't care as she would rather be warm but it's going to bug the hell out of me.
