Wisconsin Dells Camping Trip - August 13-15 Weekend w/pics.

Hey Everybody!!!!

If you are interested in joining us on this TY Camping Trip, you NEED to get your reservation in by THIS Friday - April 30th! Everybody is welcome and it will be a great time!

I just talked to the campground and they still have 4 rustic tent sites, and 5 sites with electric/water available in our block!!!

They will only hold these for us until FRIDAY because they don't want to lose out on other reservations!!!

2 more days to get your site reserved in the TY block! I am sure if you decide to come at a later date you will be able to get a site but you may not be camping close to the group......... of course, That could be a good thing?????? lol....... Then you would miss out on the shadow figures after dark! lol.......
You guys might make me break out my old guitar with all that talk of playing around a campfire...
Sleddineinar said:
You guys might make me break out my old guitar with all that talk of playing around a campfire...
Might as well bring the guitar with you Andy! Glad to hear that you booked a site! You will have a great time!
I'm looking forward to it. We've never been to the Dells before and it's always a pleasure to meet more TYers. And I might as well start practicing that guitar.
The campsites are still available! They just opened up our block that we had. There are no guarentees you will be able to get a spot near us but be sure to mention the TotallYamaha area when you call, she will get you as close as she can!
Wisconsin Dells trip is up next! Just about a month away! Give the campground a call if you are thinking about attending and be sure to mention you are with TotallYamaha.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!You will not be disappointed!
Is anyone interested in putting together a menu? maybe each person or couple can donate different items that are needed. This worked out well at a campout we had last year.
lasy year we had all kinds of good food and it was a lot of fun. Scooter and Kathy made pizza's over the campfire, we had 2 batches of home made salsa which was made right there at the campsite for us to watch, can't get more fresh than that! We had Corn, fresh caught and filleted fish, deer tenderloin fajita's, we made breakfast sandwiches, desert sandwiches, it was a ton of fun!
what do you guys think about this idea?
I will just bring me....LOL

Once you get a taste of the good stuff you will never go back...LOL
