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X-games start tomorrow

They are barely making the finals of the regular isoc races, and when they do they are placing back in the field except for maybe once they made top 5 i don't see them doing much. i think the coverage will all be about the tucker-levi "rivalry" and add in some stuff about simons and gulla. but i love the x-games and would love to go to a winter one, caught a summer one in Cali years ago and we had a good time.
They have been working hard on that sled you never know the X games track is smooth and fast tailor mad for the HP advantage that the Yamaha has. There is no really technical rough stuff to have to muscle that sled through so it could be interesting. Not saying they are going to win it but a top 5 is a good possibility
You take tucker out of the race last year and we were 3 secs behind 1st place. How is Taylor feeling? I knew he wrecked hard last week and had the flu too boot. Any news on him?
cnynrnr13 said:
soon they will all be 4 strokes just like in motorcross,supercross,and then yamaha will be light years ahead :4STroke:

I don't think that will happen.

By the time 2 stokes could be eliminated, 6 strokes will be on the scene.
Don't forget to check for Jeff Mullin and Jimmy Blaze in the freestyle competition, they'll both be riding beautifull Nytros and who knows, they could bring some medals home!
