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Yes need help also have code 84 and can play with throttle it goes away, I know it's TORS I also have code 15 which is TP sensor fault are these related?

How to diagnose?
Not sure it's in a heated garage and will run it in a couple weeks and find out
I had that problem on my attak and i bought a new throttle sensor i think thats what it called and fixed that
Make sure the sliders on the throttle block are free to move, thatd be the first thing to check. Its a great design, but things like freezing rain or flukes may happen to block the movement.
My Apex was doing it this weekend, but I had an obvious issue. The TORS code 84 would come up when turning hard left or right turning the sled around and actually tightening up the cable.

This also made the sled rev up a couple times, but TORS kicked in and stifled the engine knowing that the throttle was closed. It did it's job.

I did try to adjust the cables on the riser and make sure they were not binding anywhere. They may have been pulled in the wrong direction while I was feeding a power cord up to my GPS mounted on the handlebars. TORS issues are not impossible to troubleshoot, but don't disable it. Many will recommend that, but one accident is all it takes.

Good luck!
