Your next sled is going to be???

Sometimes we have to experiment in life, LOL!

I haven't had any DOO 900 stuff out yet. I know the MCX stuff is usually pretty good.
You’ll like it
There is no 900 skidoo I’ve seen comparable to a tuned boost. Mines running over 90mph 330 at 3.8s in snow full ride height.
Matrix is probably the best chassis as far as rider input on trail.
I have a 998 and it’s ok in straight line if making 350 plus but an army tank to drive. You sit low and it doesn’t handle like a matrix or catalyst
There’s a tune to clean up the 9r BCM has that helps a lot. The weights can also be changed for sure as stock isn’t really desirable. P22 has some issues also to address. Any 23 and up 850 poo also much better mapping without rpm fade
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You’ll like it
There is no 900 skidoo I’ve seen comparable to a tuned boost. Mines running over 90mph 330 at 3.8s in snow full ride height.
Matrix is probably the best chassis as far as rider input on trail.
I have a 998 and it’s ok in straight line if making 350 plus but an army tank to drive. You sit low and it doesn’t handle like a matrix or catalyst
There’s a tune to clean up the 9r BCM has that helps a lot. The weights can also be changed for sure as stock isn’t really desirable. P22 has some issues also to address. Any 23 and up 850 poo also much better mapping without rpm fade

Put 10 miles on it yesterday morning quick before our snow disappeared. Probably the best "out of the box" sled I've ever driven as far as chassis goes. I've driven stuff with more horsepower, no doubt, but it scoots pretty good too for being box stock & in break-in mode yet.
Next sled with be a 2025 Sidewinder LTX LE EPS. Just put a deposit on it today. I may not ride it much the next couple of seasons to make it last longer ad my 17 Sidewinder LTX SE is still working well (with almost 6000 miles on it). I got that one 4 years ago with 350 miles on it.
I just put an Rmotion in my 08' 40th Apex and it has been transformed!!! It is a joy to ride now other than the low seating position. Working on that now. Looking for a Mountain Mod seat.
I took care of the low seating position several years back by having my stock seat custom built using thicker foam. It raised the seating position by about 2 inches and the thicker foam doesn't allow as much "sit in".

I've been wanting to swap out my rear suspension for several years. But, haven't done it for various reasons. I may still do it at some point since I don't forsee selling the sled anytime soon.

Kinda torn between a King Air (expensive) and an Rmotion like you did.
I want an Apex MTX. I’ll put a King Air M20 in it and add the Assault front air shocks. Done....
I want an Apex MTX. I’ll put a King Air M20 in it and add the Assault front air shocks. Done....
I was thinking probably a gt racer ,they should be going on sale at canadian tire soon
My 2023 Boost VR1 with a Speedwerx stage 2.5 pump gas tune is a beast. I would say it is probably comparable to a 998 with a 270 tune, but the Boost is quicker. The Boost is also more fun to ride. I also have a 998 Thundercat with TD's 265/285/305/315 header tunes. It's a great sled too, but I tend to ride the Boost far more often.

THIS! I have a buddy with a boost and same tune and I was shocked how hard it pulled, comparable to a 998 with 270 tune as mentioned. I didnt think a 2 stroke could pull that hard but I stand mistaken after riding it. Night and day difference compared to a stock boost....
Just un-sure about reliability longer term.
THIS! I have a buddy with a boost and same tune and I was shocked how hard it pulled, comparable to a 998 with 270 tune as mentioned. I didnt think a 2 stroke could pull that hard but I stand mistaken after riding it. Night and day difference compared to a stock boost....
Just un-sure about reliability longer term.
I thought my stock boost pulled really well. Comparable to my modded Apex.
I thought my stock boost pulled really well. Comparable to my modded Apex.
A tuned Apex runs 160++mph in 1/4 mile,a tuned polaris would never touch that or contend with it
A tuned Apex runs 160++mph in 1/4 mile,a tuned polaris would never touch that or contend with it
We here all this b/s about polaris but never see one that can compete at any races in the last 2 years
A tuned Apex runs 160++mph in 1/4 mile,a tuned polaris would never touch that or contend with it
When I say modded I'm refering to trail mods not race mods.
My "trail" modded Apex has a Yamacharger and stg 1 porting, which is good for 182 hp. Smack dab in stock boost territory.
To get an Apex to run the speeds that your talking about would require much greater hp/mods than a trail setup.
Why buy another?
This is trail cruising speed on sugar snow.

With boostane professional...
