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ZX2 Springs?


Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Owen Sound, Ontario
Hi, does anybody know where I can order a set of springs for my ZX2 skid? My skid is just too stiff for me. I either need to gain 200 lbs or fing some lighter rate springs. I have the setting on the least amount of preload. I have tried searching here but come up with nothing. I tried 2M Motorsports and got nowhere there. He said the softer springs are no longer available. I am almost ready to try just one spring and see how that works. There has to be some place where I can buy a set of springs for these particular shocks... Any info is greatly appreciated.... btw, the skid does work great, it would just be perfect if it was softer on the first 3-4 inches.
The guy that I bought my zx2 from tried all of that because it was too harsh while doing slower rides. He even tried just using one shock but he said it didn't make much of a difference. Thats why I have it now. I guess this might be one of those times where it pays to be heavy. I am 260ish and it works great for me. Better start bulking up for next year.LOL
You can get the shocks revalved for your weight. I had Hygear do them and the first time it was way to cushy and bottomed out so I know they can make them soft with the stock springs. They do free revalves till you like it and now its perfect for my 220lb frame. No bottoming and slightly softer in the small and medium bumps then stock.

Runs you about $300 if I remember right though!
I wouldn't hesitate to get a revalve done if I knew it would solve the issue. I had it done on my mono and it worked great. Wish I knew if was the shocks or the springs for sure. It does buck a bit at slower speeds which leads me to thinking springs, but honestly willing to try anythying about now... It really does take the big whoops well. I have never bottomed it, or come close to feeling the full travel of suspension. I think I should bottom it out at least once... Once I get this sorted I'm sure it will be great.
