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Search results

  1. rkkoeb

    HELP - 09 Apex need breakdown of chain case parts

    So before the sprocket goes on?
  2. rkkoeb

    HELP - 09 Apex need breakdown of chain case parts

    This is the part I need to know location for
  3. rkkoeb

    HELP - 09 Apex need breakdown of chain case parts

    ok what I am looking for is the install direction on the top shaft on the chain case. Once the inside cover is how I need to know the sequence of parts to go on. Sprocket, nut, spacers, o-ring, cover, etc?
  4. rkkoeb

    HELP - 09 Apex need breakdown of chain case parts

    anyone have a video?
  5. rkkoeb

    HELP - 09 Apex need breakdown of chain case parts

    Hello I need help, changing my track on my 09 apex and was using a video that I found but it was from a 2011 so the chain case setup is a little different. Does anyone have a break down of the chain case or a video I can watch? Rick
  6. rkkoeb

    Track suggestions plz for apex ‘07 ER

    he has nothing used in stock
  7. rkkoeb

    Tunnel extension needed

    looks very nice. Just found a Muffin one for $50.
  8. rkkoeb

    Tunnel extension needed

    I will give Spa City a try
  9. rkkoeb

    Tunnel extension needed

    I have a 09 Apex that I am looking to go from a 121" to a 136". I plan on using the Track USA rail extension but looking for what people suggest for the tunnel extension. I know Tack has them but I heard in the past Muffin works and Hartman had really nice ones but looks like they are out of...
  10. rkkoeb

    Track suggestions plz for apex ‘07 ER

    I have a 09 apex 121 and looking to do a extension to a 136". I really don't want to spend $600+ on a new track so looking for suggestion also for track. I do mainly 95% trail riding in Wisconsin
  11. rkkoeb

    Multi rate big boy springs setup

    Perfect thanks for the help. Can anyone tell me what hole location on the limiter strap is stock?
  12. rkkoeb

    Multi rate big boy springs setup

    I just upgraded to a multi rate big boy spring and look for what my springs sage/compression setting should be. I know stock was 45-55MM compression when I sit on the seat. What should the big boy spring be set at? https://barnofparts.com/multi-rate-big-boy-spring
  13. rkkoeb

    Apex bad inside ski lift in corners - Why

    What is the stock limiter strap setting. Anyone have a pic
  14. rkkoeb

    09 Apex dead battery within two weeks - How do I test

    What size fuse should I put in line from the battery to the relay?
  15. rkkoeb

    09 Apex dead battery within two weeks - How do I test

    ok I just found my draw on the battery. I removed the negative cable off the battery and put a test light between the terminal and the negative cable and the light went on. At that same time I heard a relay kicking on. This replay was installed for a heated seat. I am thinking the relay is...
  16. rkkoeb

    09 Apex dead battery within two weeks - How do I test

    Hello I have a 09 apex and notice my battery would not stay charge very long last winter. Being that the battery was five years old I decided to install a new battery but still having the same problem. I charge the battery and when sitting in the garage it will go dead within 2-3 weeks of not...
  17. rkkoeb

    09 Apex rear suspension setup help needed

    Spring I am looking at https://barnofparts.com/multi-rate-big-boy-spring Steve no longer does revalving only rebuilds which he did all three of my shocks last year What should I expect to pay to revalve one shock?
  18. rkkoeb

    09 Apex rear suspension setup help needed

    Ok probably going with the multi rate big boy spring. Now the shock was rebuilt last year and knowing that and the spring i want to use should I have it revolved. If so who should I send it to
  19. rkkoeb

    09 Apex rear suspension setup help needed

    This is great info. Does anyone have the how to setup the transfer rode?
