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Search results

  1. L

    HID install

    I installed everything on the headlight holder/dash that way I only have 2 extra wires to plug or unplug when I remove the headlight and it left me room in the front for all my horn's. There's no messy wires running everywhere and it's clean qhen the hood is off. just my 2 cent's worth
  2. L

    Tunnel rivets

    Yeah if you follow the link to OTF they have black large head studs. I wouldn't even begin to guess how many hours I have tied up in polishing, once I got it figured out it is easier but still take a lot of work, and really you could shave in mine. One of my friends asked me where I had it...
  3. L

    Tunnel rivets

    Oh yea 3/16" by 1' and you need the large head rivets for the flap, 12 hours eh, it took me that long to polish my belt cover
  4. L

    Tunnel rivets

    follow this link, any rivit will work I guess but why not use OEM at this price.. http://oftracing.com/Store/index.php?ma ... x&cPath=81
  5. L

    Apex engine mounts

    A little additional information in case your interested. When you reinstall the motor the oil system will be dry, and even if you fill the oil tank a week before you start the motor the pump will still be dry ( I experienced this ). The motor will shut off if there is no oil pressure. I...
  6. L

    Apex engine mounts

    The engine is easy to remove with the 3 bolts your talking about, there is a tool for the mounts that you really don't need if your not adjusting them before hand. I re and re'd my last season for the same reason. This link may help you http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles ... alignm.htm...
  7. L


    Apex (121") and Attak (136") share the same HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY part # 8FU-1241A-00-00. Just to set the record straight as I've seen this question asked on many different pages here
  8. L

    Best rivit gun?

    I got an air riveter from Princess Auto ( http://www.princessauto.com/air/air-too ... ir-riveter ) and it works great, I found a place that has Yamaha rivets real cheap ( http://oftracing.com/Store/index.php?ma ... ord=rivets ) if this helps you out. Yes I love the air rivet gun.
  9. L

    Looking for blacked out windshield

    To be perfectly honest, it’s BBQ high heat flat black that my buddy had laying around his garage and I was replacing it with a shorter windshield anyhow
  10. L

    Looking for blacked out windshield

    The windsheild was clear, I just spray paint the INSIDE of it flat black
  11. L

    Looking for blacked out windshield

    A close up
  12. L

    Looking for blacked out windshield

    I have a pic, it's just as you asked and on a red Attak. If the picture isn't there or you can't see it PM me and I will email you a pic. It Looks Sweet, I think anyhow
  13. L

    Got my lake effect risor

    My email was broken and have got it all figured out, thanks kinger, that helps a little but man you need to shine that thing up a little.
  14. L

    Got my lake effect risor

    I absolutely have to agree that superman ( Lake Effect ) makes an awesome riser, I got a polished 5" strut bar riser and Apex 3" pivot adapter in the spring, now that I have almost finished reassembly of my sled I can’t wait to see the riser on the machine. Superman I’ll get those...
  15. L

    SledPro Clutch Alignment tool for SX/SRX on Apex?

    Highmark, did you ever figure out the Sled Pro tool, I own one and am tring it out, I thought you might be able give me some pointers on the alignment. Center to Center is spot on but the front pin on the tool is about 1/32 behind the primary and the other 2 are perfectly aligned. I tried...
  16. L

    Attak Project

    I don't know if I can figure this out or not but I will try to post a couple pic's
  17. L

    Attak Project

    In regards to that oil leak. I took my sled apart in April and hope to have it back together buy Sept, when I started taking it apart in my living room it sat a couple days without the plastics and I notice the exact same leak that you have and it turned out to be a pin hole in the rear of the...
  18. L

    06 Attak Gearing Question

    Thanks guys, I thought I read somewhere that the larger bottom gear was a little more efficient but I am here to learn.
  19. L

    06 Attak Gearing Question

    I have an 06 Attak and an thinking of changing the gearing, currently 23/38. I know off line and top end will ultimately change because of the new ratio. I trail ride very aggressively and play on the lake with the radar gun a few times a year. What my question is (because I dumb and don’t...
  20. L

    Attak Oil Tank

    Thanks, I have put it on and am now waiting for it to cure, then I'll test it out and hope for the best. I love JB it saved me when I cracked my heat exchanger ( the one on the footboard ) and got me throug the winter.
