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06 Attak Gearing Question


Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Markham, Ontario, Canada
I have an 06 Attak and an thinking of changing the gearing, currently 23/38. I know off line and top end will ultimately change because of the new ratio. I trail ride very aggressively and play on the lake with the radar gun a few times a year. What my question is (because I dumb and don’t know), If I where to line up too identical sleds one with the 22/38 at 1.73 ratio and the other with 23/40 at 1.74 ratio, is there a noticeable difference ?
All other things being equal in the drive system, you could expect to see a gain in top-end speed of 0.57471%. Rounding off, this means to realize an additional 1 mph with the change you will have to be going 175.2 mph.
23/40 is slightly more efficient as the sprockets are larger.

It should be the best.
arteeex said:
Rounding off, this means to realize an additional 1 mph with the change you will have to be going 175.2 mph.

Know we just need to fine a yamaha that gose that fast. :rules
