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  1. P

    Look what showed up at my local dealer

    Those colors look like a sled for the fighting Illini, kinda gross.
  2. P

    Apex went dead

    We were out riding last week and stopped for awhile, when I turned the key nothing happened, no lights, no power nothing. We took the front cover off and one guy wiggled some wires up front while I wiggled the throttle and power was restored. Haven't had any problems since, any ideas? Could...
  3. P

    what I think should be in the 2014 apex

    Wedge agree with your changes. I have two Apex's with EPS and I ride mainly on trials but who doesn't like to hit the open areas/lakes every so often. Deep snow in open areas is where Apex's are out of place, just pray you don't get stuck. Shoot just loading and unloading these heavy beasts...
  4. P

    what I think should be in the 2014 apex

    It seems obvious to me and the people I've talked to, lower the weight, lower the price and improve the suspension. If Yamaha can't do that I will be switching.
  5. P

    Apex tipped over

    If I understand what you're saying, tip it on it's right side for awhile? It all seems fine now but I don't want to trailer it 400 miles next week and find I have problems.
  6. P

    Apex tipped over

    I had a minor rollover to the left side no damage but the oil light came on afterwards and it didn't run right for a bit, I let it sit for a few minutes than started it and it seemed fine. I shut it off about 5 minutes later and upon restart the oil light came on again. So again I let it sit...
  7. P

    What are you guys paying for your 11's/12's?

    Paid 12,500 U.S. for a 2012 XTX, included 3 year warranty, a jacket and a deluxe cover. I'm sure you can get cheaper if you shop around and pick it up yourself. The current exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Can dollar is right at 1 for 1 I don't know how Canada sells any sleds at...
  8. P

    Price Comparisons between US vs. CA

    Yes I do, free health care isn't cheap.
  9. P

    Good thing winter is over...

    I know obama said he would like gas to stay at $4-$5 dollars a gallon so people would stop using the internal combustion engine but it seems I'm happier and have more fun on my snowmobiles and my fishing boat when gas prices are lower and it seems my standard of living is higher. I guess it's...
  10. P

    2011 Apex handwarmers

    As others have said the 2011 work fine, I think I had mine above 1/2 once or twice when it was 5-15 below zero. They get really hot at the highest setting, no need to upgrade unless you have circulation problems.
  11. P

    2012 Apex XTX - Pulled the trigger today!

    Thanks for the negative angle, you must have a Doo/Poo/Cat POS and it bothers you.
  12. P

    2012 Apex XTX - Pulled the trigger today!

    Put my order in for a Black XTX this past weekend, got a pretty good deal but still wasn't cheap compared to Doo/Poo/Cat but neither are Mercedes compared to Honda's.
  13. P

    2012 Polaris

    Several reasons, 2011 models weren't available in Black, and even though a 2012 is essentially the same when it comes to resale a year newer will command more money, I shopped around I could only find a 2011 for $200 dollars cheaper than what I paid for a 2012, and I don't have to pay for it...
  14. P

    2012 Polaris

    Yep Yamaha should just close shop as they can't compete with the new Doo's or the new Artic cats, anyway I just placed my order for a 2012 apex XTX before Yamaha went out of business.
  15. P

    What price is your dealer charging for Apex se

    APex xtx $12,300 Apex SE $12,000 US 2011 models.
  16. P

    Rides like today is why i bought my apex

    One was a f1000 the crap reference was overall fit, finish and styling. I didn't feel it handled much better if at all than the Apex in general and the APex handled better in the corners. It did not seem faster, it vibrated and the engine didn't pull linear like an APex 4 stroke. It had some...
  17. P

    Rides like today is why i bought my apex

    They had problems in the past but the stock hand warmers are fixed now.
  18. P

    Rides like today is why i bought my apex

    Yamaha must have fixed the hand warmers because I've had mine set on the lowest or next to lowest setting all winter and they are toasty warm anything approaching high setting will burn your hands. Either Yamaha fixed them or we have a bunch of people on this site with poor circulation.
  19. P

    Rides like today is why i bought my apex

    I've been in Wisconsin the last week and put some decent miles on my 2011 Apex, I couldn't be happier. After reading this site for the last month I thought I bought a piece of sheet and was having some buyers remorse based on all the complaining here. The group I rode with all had ACats and I...
  20. P

    New 11 Apex. Need to get to work fixing the darting. Help?

    I know the experts here will disagree but I put 6inch double down snow studs on and I couldn't be happier, darting is gone and the ride has improved 100% for a little over a $100 dollars. Forget new skis these things work.
