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Search results

  1. P

    Small wheel kits

    As recommended by dealer, I put small wheel kit on the front and it helped the wear on the rear where I needed help. 06 attak
  2. P

    New '08 Apex LTX GT Value???

    Does anybody know what is a reasonable price to pay now for a new 08 Apex LTX GT from a dealer? Thanks
  3. P

    RA shock cable broke, how to set?

    Thanks for the replys! Got that part understood now but here's another question on this shock. How many clicks or turns should be on the shock itself? After having the shock rebuilt and revalved, I only seem to have 3 clicks and about 1/2 of a turn. Thoughts ?
  4. P

    RA shock cable broke, how to set?

    The cable from the side of tunnel adjuster to shock broke on my '06 Attak. Appears heavy ice build up was the problem. I saw a thread on this months ago but can not find it now when I need to know the proper way to set the dial and shock during replacement. I need your help guys! Thanks
  5. P

    GPS mapping software

    Tried it last week for the first time and was very happy with it on my 276c. Very accurate in the northern lower Mi.
  6. P

    Mounting Garmin 276c or 60csx on attak

    I have the 276c plus mounted on my attak. This is a very good choice on a sled. It will mount up very nice a couple of ways. Also nice to be able to easily remove (theft) when you leave your sled. I have been using a gps on sleds since 1998. Started with Garmin gps II, then gps III plus, then...
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    Apex Tall Windshields

    Does annbody know if the mid height windshield is ready available? If yes, where? I have had the tall on order 6 wks. now. I would settle for mid height if available.
  8. P

    Attak stock windshield height?

    I also confused on Attak windshield heights. I want to order one size taller than stock. Do I order the 14.25" or the 16.00" ?
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    GPS and moving Maps...Reccomend this??

    My Garmin GPS lll+ and mount. Just another option which leaves clear vision to gauges and gives good position to read the GPS.
  10. P


    My experience very similiar to leaddog above. I have Garmin GPS lll. Works fine to 10 deg F. Below that the LCD display fades. I had my wife resew a cell phone 12 V heater to fit GPS and wired direct. When it starts to fade from cold I add the heater. Have clear plastic window where the I...
  11. P


    Picked up an attak yesterday. Last Yamaha was a '89 Phazer. Owned 7 new Polaris since '93 and was well satisfied except vibration in the '05 Poo that gave me numb hands on them 250-280 mile days. This old guy(64) rides about 2500 mi./year and hopes this smooth 4 stroke will be a bit better on...
