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  1. coldwater

    Maverick Track

    I turned an attack 20 around on my rx-1 and it would grab hold like a mofo... But turning around and coming back down the hill was damn near out of control... the lugs would fold over and away I'd go. If you're boon-docking an attack 20 might be pretty fun if its on backwards. I have...
  2. coldwater

    Downhill riding, Is it just me !!! ?

    I also put a rider forward kit on the sled and its the shiznit.... Even with a 162x16 I can lay turns down a hill that looks like a skier made the run. If you do put the kit on, buy some extra plastic bushings... they wear pretty quick (a set a season)
  3. coldwater

    Bigger track, new bearings?

    I ran a 16x162 track this winter on my rx-1 and am starting to hear what sounds like a bearing(s) going. Has nyone else experienced this or had problems with a bigger track on an rx-1 drive-train? I haven't tore into it yet but am going to check the drive axle bearings first....
  4. coldwater

    How to keep from bumping the kill switch when powder riding?

    I dropped a cornice yesterday and hit the kill switch on landing... I ended up on the hood riding the rest of the way down the hill...... Going to find an o-ring or rubber band today! Thanks guys!
  5. coldwater

    driveline noise 03 rx1 mtn

    Pretty sure you're going to have to open the chaincase and pull the jackshaft... Once you have it out hopefully it will pop out with a little persuasion... But mine was a pain in the arse and I had to do the following: First apply heat to the outer casing that holds the bearing...
  6. coldwater

    Jetting with an ECP kit and Velocity rings

    Just a word on syncing.... In my opinion you should just stop by the local shop and have them do it... Only takes a minute and considering the cost of buying a syncing tool, put that money toward a new mod like velocity rings.
  7. coldwater

    tuning?? rx1 still has issues...no longer tweaked!!

    After reading along through your adjustments I've gotta say I'm slightly bummed 'cause my maverick is starting to show tears as well. Even in bomber deep conditions it shows up with some tears. I'm trying to keep optimistic but will probably have to follow suit and go with the camo extreme...
  8. coldwater

    In Need of Clutching Advice!!

    Thanks!!! I'll give that a try and see where I can go from there.... The shockwave was purchased for the riding here in the coastal mountains... snow conditions vary continually from powder to cement. Also already got it geared down... so hopefully will be were I want after this!! Thanks...
  9. coldwater

    Clutching for Modded Mountain?

    So I ended up putting the 162x16 under my sled, but it also dropped my RPM's in the process. I'm running around 9000 on a good day and just need to get it back to the high 10's. Anyhow I talked to a guy over at Outlaw Motorsports and he set me up with the following: Primary Spring:G-W-G...
  10. coldwater

    In Need of Clutching Advice!!

    Anyone? Does someone have a ballpark setup? Should I leave the tips empty and weight the mid and base?
  11. coldwater

    In Need of Clutching Advice!!

    I have just ordered this setup: Primary G-W-G, Secondary White, Shockwave Helix, and Supertips. I am definitely a novice when it comes to tuning my clutching and was wondering if anyone could help me find a good starting point with my supertip weights. My sled just got a facelift with a...
  12. coldwater

    tuning?? rx1 still has issues...no longer tweaked!!

    Freeheeler.... Just curious but how long have you had that 16inch Maverick on your sled? My sled just got the same track in a 162 length and I'm seeing the same kind of drop in rpm's. I called over to Outlaw Motorsports and they set me straight... They explained alot of it to me and to be...
  13. coldwater

    Power madd handguards

    I didn't end up installing them on the stock bars but did put some on bars that were similar in height... To get it to work i used a dremel to trim the plastic on the throttle body so I could get the metal mount right up against it. Don't know if this helps....
  14. coldwater

    ECP and Glasspack can live together under one hood!!!

    I ended up just getting two extra sets of outerwear prefilters... When it seems like the prefilters are getting wet or frozen I just swap in a new set. One extra set would be fine for any normal day of riding even in deep snow, but I take a third set just in case.... Nice to just have them...
  15. coldwater

    Can't get those RPM's.....

    After reading around and asking a few people, I wanted to make sure and post what my plans are to get my sled back where I want it. I am going to go with a shockwave helix mainly to be able to adjust to snow conditions. My riding is in coastal mountains and snow conditions can go from light...
  16. coldwater

    Has anyone used Royal Purple Oil with Synerlec

    Seems like everyone will have an opinion on what oil to use but I wanted to add this for everyones interest. I work with deep sea robotics (8000-10000 ft) where things operate in very cold conditions and my company just switched everything over to royal purple... These are high dollar systems...
  17. coldwater

    Checking the Oil

    from what I understand.... as long as you broke in your engine with yamalube, you can run whatever you want in it.... just remember that dino needs a change sooner
  18. coldwater

    Can't get those RPM's.....

    I am already confident that my jetting is fine... I am running a single exhaust with the ECP kit, and this setup ran great last year.... I will start looking today for the parts to get an 05 setup or the heavy hitters... I also wanted to mention that the temp the other day was in the high...
  19. coldwater

    Can't get those RPM's.....

    Thanks for the advice Frostbite.... I have already geared to 20/42 which I am very thankful for especially with this big track. I'll turn that secondary spring to 80 and see how much that helps.... otherwise I think I'm gonna look into the heavy hitter and a new helix like you said. Any...
  20. coldwater

    Can't get those RPM's.....

    Took the sled out yesterday for the first full ride of the season.... First off got the M7 with a 162x16 Maverick.... holy does it hook up! But I just couldn't get the sled to 10500.... I put it away for the summer with fogging oil and started it up with a new oil change.... but...
