
  1. G

    SRX vs LTX vs XTX

    Hey guys, newbie here. I own a 17 mtx but am looking to order a trail/ crossover sled. Here's my dilemma. I live in Alaska, specifically north pole alaska. We dont have trail systems like alot of you guys have in the lower 48 or canada(largest trail system is like 300 miles). Most of our riding...
  2. X

    XTX Handguards

    Just finally got the mounts as they were back ordered, but how the heck do these install? There are no instructions and it seems tight on the brake lever side… Has anyone installed the Yamaha ones on an XTX with success? I have 2023 XTX LE
  3. G

    Looking for a used nytro push turbo kit

    Since everyone and their mother says to go turbo, is there any used kits out there or am I going to have to buy a new one?
  4. GR8BBQ

    Highlights of my sledding group in Old Forge Feb/March 2020

  5. A

    Skid sizing help!

    Looking to drop from my 2018 Mtx’s 153 to an xtx 141. Curious- are these skids/rails compatible? Reason for the drop: I don’t ride out west anymore and only have time for Minnesota trails and the occasional off trail fart around. thanks!
  6. Vector LTX GT 08

    Apex xtx owners, I need some help

    Hi guys, I need a little help. Those of you with stock Apex xtx rear suspension, I need to find out how wide the shock eyes are on the center rear shock on the skid. Why I ask this, is I need to know if the Apex xtx rear shock will work on my Apex mountain suspension, I know the shocks are the...
  7. N

    Nytro XTX - GYTR Clicker nitrogen recharge pressure

    Hi everyone, I'm taking my shocks in for service and the mechanic that's looking them over/recharging them needs to know what the nitrogen pressure is supposed to in the front/center/rear shocks. Please help! Does anyone know what the correct factory specs are? Thanks in advance for any...
  8. Halunen Jukka-Pekka

    Weird sound need help? Yamaha nytro xtx turbo 2013 3tkm

    Yamaha nytro xtx 2013 turbo 3tkm driven made weird sound today like "sluush" when i started driving and itit continu make weird noises, then it stopped and i continue frive. After 2km i stopped and it made same loud sound and i slowly drove it home, theres allso continous blowing sound when...
  9. BryanD

    Track Adjustment

    First time messing with a snowmobile track here.... I just recently installed a few new bogeys on my 2009 Nytro xtx. I'm just wondering if I have to tighten/loosen the back idler wheels for the track to adjust or how it works? Also, how am I supposed to line it up exactly? Thanks!
  10. Shamus200

    Xtx track replacement

    I need to replace the track on my wife’s viper xtx 141. It has a cobra track on it now and I really don’t like it. What are people running on there xtxs I notice there’s not many options on the 141s.
  11. Apexed1

    Apex XTX 1.75 tunnel protectors profile height

    LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK FROM APEX XTX 1.75 OWNERS, PLEASE! Tunnel Protectors I ride a 2011 Apex XTX to which I recently added a 1.6 Ice Cobra track. I have removed the original tunnel protectors for additional clearance but I am still concerned about protecting the exhaust and cooling systems...
  12. sierra_brad

    Upgrading to HD springs?

    Looking to upgrade to the HD torsion springs for my skid on my 2011 Apex XTX. What is the weight recommendation for the upgrade? Running mine on H now and have it bottoming out some. I am 220lbs plus gear and tunnel bag. Original springs from new. Looking for thoughts.
  13. Vector LTX GT 08

    Questions on making my Vector LTX an XTX

    Hi guys. So my 2008 vector ltx gt has 22,000 miles on it right now, and still on the original track, so I am going to be replacing it this summer. I know you can fit a 1.75" track on them, with the tunnel protectors removed, which I am fine with, as I never run studs. My goal is to make it more...
  14. T

    2011 Apex XTX Oil Pan Torque

    Does anyone know or can point me in the right direction. Looking for the torque pattern and specs for the oil pan. I believe they can it a strainer pan? Know its usually from the center out, just wondering the pattern, stages and ft/lbs. Thanks
  15. X

    14 viper xtx rear suspension

    hey guys like the title i need help with my rear suspension. Bought the sled used last year and noticed the rear end sagged quite a bit and bottomed out often. I figured the rear float 2 would need a rebuild but tried adding air to make sure. I ran 150 lbs and didnt help. I got my shock rebuilt...
  16. X

    14' xtx rear suspension

    Hey guys i read up alot on the suspension settings for the float 2 i have in the rear skid. I have set at 150 psi ( maximum pressure according to shock) and she's still sagging. My front shock on the rear skid is showing about 20 threads and i read you want about 11 showing on the bottom. I...
  17. 2015 Srv Xtx  141

    SR Viper 2015 Srv Xtx 141

  18. Bernie

    HELP PLEASE!! 2013 Nytro XTX Won't start!

    I recently bought a 2013 Fx Nytro XTX with 1300 kms on it. The battery wasn't took off it this summer. When I turned the key the screen came on. I tried to start it, was clicking noise and the screen went off. This happened multiple times. The battery went dead. I tried to boost it with my truck...
  19. C

    Need help to decide between BTX and XTX please...

    Hi, I am looking to purchase the new Yamaha Sidewinder . However not sure which one would better suit my needs between the two models I set my mind to: XTX and BTX I do half trail and half backcountry… I like long tracks on a sled but also do lots of trail so I need a sled that’s good for...
  20. J

    Yamaha Viper Wrap Template

    Has anyone out there ever created their own custom Viper wrap? I am having troubles finding a site where I can either download or purchase a blank template to design with. I am looking to apply the decal to the body, tank and tunnel. If anyone has done this can you please point me in the right...
