'16 Vector XTX idle problem


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hampton, NH
My dad's '16 Vector XTX does not want to start or idle when it cold. It acts like an old carb engine where you have to play with the throttle and keep rpms up for a while. If it does stall it does not want to start, catching and stalling repeatedly. When it does fire up again the rpms fluctuate/surge +/- 500rpm for 10 seconds as you are playing with the throttle. Only codes it throw is F0001 and occasionally F0004 which just look to be low fuel.

My 09 Nytro has an idle speed control, but I wasn't sure with his electronic throttle if the computer just controls that.
Same throttle body/ISC setup as your Nytro.
I have the 16 with electronic throttle and have cold start idle issues also.
It will start and idle fine then idle down and engine will stall. Have to give it some throttle to start and keep running.
This is during the warm up process.
One up to operating temp ot seems to idle fine.
I dont see a idle air control solenoid on the throttle body assy.
Is the idle controlled by the electronic throttle?
Tried new plugs and fuel is not an issue.
Compression test is good on all 3 cylinders.
Has about 6500 miles on it.
My dad's '16 Vector XTX does not want to start or idle when it cold. It acts like an old carb engine where you have to play with the throttle and keep rpms up for a while. If it does stall it does not want to start, catching and stalling repeatedly. When it does fire up again the rpms fluctuate/surge +/- 500rpm for 10 seconds as you are playing with the throttle. Only codes it throw is F0001 and occasionally F0004 which just look to be low fuel.

My 09 Nytro has an idle speed control, but I wasn't sure with his electronic throttle if the computer just controls that.
Did you find the issue?
Valve adjustment cured my starting issue.
My dad's '16 Vector XTX does not want to start or idle when it cold. It acts like an old carb engine where you have to play with the throttle and keep rpms up for a while. If it does stall it does not want to start, catching and stalling repeatedly. When it does fire up again the rpms fluctuate/surge +/- 500rpm for 10 seconds as you are playing with the throttle. Only codes it throw is F0001 and occasionally F0004 which just look to be low fuel.

My 09 Nytro has an idle speed control, but I wasn't sure with his electronic throttle if the computer just controls that.
I have the same sled same fluctuating ISC issue when cold. Did you figure it out?
Valve adjustment cured my starting issue.
Sounds like I have shim issue as well. 2016 vector xtx. 6600 miles on it. Wifes 2013 vector has 6500 and runs fine. go figure. yami changed something or it was an off day for the shim man.
Sounds like I have shim issue as well. 2016 vector xtx. 6600 miles on it. Wifes 2013 vector has 6500 and runs fine. go figure. yami changed something or it was an off day for the shim man.

Sled will run much better once adjusted properly.
Sled will run much better once adjusted properly.

I'm going to talk to a guy about fixing it. I hear Darren of G&D in Pittsburg NH is one. I probably can do it as I've done lot's of mechanic work some very detailed but at 76 yrs old rather pay somone for this and focus on my work.
Sled will run much better once adjusted properly.
Glad your still here with us. Ha. It's amazing we hae the exact same 2016 xtx with 6500 miles with the same issue. I talked to two different techs and they thought it might not be the shims needed. One said that would show when warm. Confusing. Maybe I should spend the $800 or so to do it so I can eliminate it.
Glad your still here with us. Ha. It's amazing we hae the exact same 2016 xtx with 6500 miles with the same issue. I talked to two different techs and they thought it might not be the shims needed. One said that would show when warm. Confusing. Maybe I should spend the $800 or so to do it so I can eliminate it.

Its not that hard to pull valve cover and check the valve gap.
BARN OF PARTS has a tool for sale to hold the cam chain tensioner so the motor won't have to be moved to get at tensioner.
Big time saver is what I hear.
All the exhaust valves were below spec and some of the intake valves also on our sled.
The New motor in 16 has needed valves adjusted earlier than the previous years.
Good to hear. I'll look into that. I'm good with feeler gauges etc so it's just a mater of getting to the valve cover okay. I'll read on. No hurry.. Maybe later this spring or summer.
