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2005 Feb Northern WI TY Ride

Another great group of riders....what a fun little ride we had on Sat...awesome ;)!....man that 06 is a sweet ride ....

My thanks to everyone involved in the ride, a great group of guys and gals. It was nice to meet everyone.

Do you suppose it was coincidence that the Rev puked and a Yamaha had to rented to ride...or that the Polaris puked and had to leave the group TotallYamaha? :yam:
pimpedrsrage - You have a great future ahead of you, if you just keep at it! So many people are looking for bright, outgoing, young drivers like yourself. Keep good records, and let me know if you need any race proposal information.

How was the drag racing on my RX1? MAH said we wouldn't be able to get your helmet off, cause you would be smiling so much! That 05 really woke up with you, (135 lbs.), on it! those skis never touched, and you shot out like a bullet compared to the rest next to you.


Great riding, and meeting with you all! Bluedog.....N---A, Please! I can't get that out of my head! MAH, you have a hell of a son there, and we bonded with him instantly! Glad to meet you, and your husband.
SRXRULES - Great playing with you on the lake, and giving me the great tip of getting more mph, Thanks!
Tork - Great cabin, and great riding with you, and thanks for all of the positive comments you have given me, on riding, and trail techniques.

Too bad for the Fusion 900, he had a lot of problems with that thing on the lake. How does it go?
Pull Off Lake And Repair In Spring!!!!!!!!

Indy - glad you got to try an 05 and maybe the Attak may be for you, since it is a 136 inch.
Erik, Mike, and who ever else I missed in this post, was great riding and meeting you. Hope to ride with you all again.

MrSled said:
LOL...well get you butt over there Sat morn and have some eggs with us....;)!

We didn't finish riding till a little past 2AM on Friday nite, and pulled outta the Pea Patch at 9:15 AM Sat AM. No cell service at the Pea Patch so I couldn't call you, and every time I thought about calling you, we in areas with "No Service".

We rode in Iron Cty on Friday, and western Vilas and Iron again on Saturday. Trails were an 8 outta 10 for us. HEard the PI area wasnt' very good...was that true? I kept watching for signs of the TY group, but didn't see you.

Was the waitress in black at the Skyview there Sat AM????

If you read this today (Monday), my plan is to stop at your house after work for the clothes.

Hope to meet everybody sooner rather than later!!! :D
Riding with you all was fun. Wish I had more time to get to know people better. Next time. I'll keep the bottles of Boone's farm and blue cups for the next TY N. Wisconsin ride :D Enjoy the rest of the season if you can.
MrSled said:
I should be home tonight....you may want to call me 1st....you can check out the 06 :D

I'll call you 1st....if I come right from work it'd be around 4:45 or so. An 'o6 huh??!! You lucky dog! :D


Great Day...

Found out what was wrong the Ski-Doo...

No oil.... the warning light didn't come on... We were in such a hurry to catch you guys at Hoop N Holler I didn't even think to check... Been so long since I've had to put oil in a sled I didn't even think, plus the Ski Doo rider is not mechanically inclined... he needs to be...

What a great time... Sorry about the road running but that was the quickest way to the Cisco Chain...

Absolute pleasure to meet everyone and if your ever in the St. Louis area let me know... plenty of spare bedrooms or better yet check out PartyCove.com and maybe catch us for a weekend ath the Lake of the Ozarks...

Tony, Josh you are wonderful young men keep up the good work and school and your parents should be proud!!!

Tom, do you want to see some photos before I post or should we take our chances?

Thanks everyone, what a great way to end the season....


N..... PLEASE!!!
Bluedog, Glad I could be the designated driver for you guys. Always looking to make sure my good friends make it home safe. And you have 1 heck of a nice suburban there.

Hope to ride with you again soon.
