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2005 RS Rage Hyfax??


Nov 11, 2004
Warren Michigan
What's the deal with the Yami accessorie cats not showing any part numbers for the 2005 Rage Hyfax?
The 2005, 06, 07 cats are all the same...no Rage listing for Hyfax and who knows what else.
I always have to buy it under the 2005 RX Warrior part number cause I know they are the same suspension. I went into the dealer today and almost got the wrong set. This happened to me last year too.
Has anyone else noticed this? What a pain! :die

I just looked in an after market book... You use a #20 profile.. Same as the RX-1..The vector uses a #27.. The problem I found is further down the listing it has a rage using the #27???????. Good luck. MM :ORC
I know...it's all jacked up.

Thing is, the Rage in 2005 had the same exact skid as a Warrior. Yet they are calling out 2 different sets of hyfax in aftermarket books. :die
In 05 yammy offered the new "WIDE" style... The #27... It has the same notch pattern but is just wider.. I think my vector would take either one.. But the 27 keeps the track under control better "MAYBE" ?????? They said it last longer. LaLaLa :jump: :jump: MM.
