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2006 Vector GT Oil Change


Oct 3, 2005
New Hampshire
I have 500 enjoyable mile on the new ride, and was hoping someone had info and maybe pics on the process to change the oil.

Also what type of oil, (brand, weight) and how much do I need.


Did you see them do the work, I know you need to take the air box out, but what else needs to be removed (belly pan, etc.) to drain the oil.
Do you start out with the sled on it's side then lower it back on the skis once you are ready to drain the oil? I have the black GT also.
I have a 05 vector........... Didn't need to remove the airbox??????????????????? Start by warming the motor.. Remove the right side panel..Remove the panel under the sled. Remove the drain plugs. (2).... Remove the oil filter.. It will be tight!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch for the "O" ring, it might be left behind.. Put everything back together.. Start out by putting two liters of oil in the tank.. Start the machine.. Let it run for a minute or so.. Stop and add one more full liter.. Do "NOT" add oil to the valve cover hole.. Not needed... It takes three full liters.. Check for leaks.......... Good to go.. Good luck. ;)! MM.
A technician at the dealer said he always pour several onces of oil by the valve cover hole as well before starting..... so i did on my last oil change.
Made the mistake of bringing mine to the dealer and got "Boned" for $180.00 for the 500 mile service. :o|
Thank you for all the information, I want to do more servicing of the sled myself. Bringing it to the dealer takes more time, hassle and money to get these things done. With the support of this awesome site I know I will be able to accomplish that.

Thank again.
The directions above are right on, I just followed the manual and it worked out great. The drain on the bottom of the engine has a little triangle next to it.
Theres also a screen,on the pick up line, in the oil tank that can be cleaned,but not nessary the first time around.
