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2008 Phazer engine


May 14, 2021
Reaction score
2008 Phazer
Hey Guys,

I need some help, if there any sled racers here you might be able to help more.
I have an 08 Genesis 80GI Phazer engine I am putting in an ultralight plane.
I need to know how to bypass all the unneeded parts of the harness( grip warmers, TORS, throttle switch, etc. )
I am in need of a really detailed schematic with the pinout of the connectors and such. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
I need to bypass all sled parts since I won’t be needing any of that. I need the engine to run and never go into limp mode.
I need the engine to run and never go into limp mode.

I think they call that glide mode in your application. Good luck with your search.
I think what you'll want to find is a copy of the Phazer service manual (LIT-12618-02-58) and possibly also the 'supplementary service manual' (LIT-12618-02-67). Both have detailed schematics of the electronics, but the supplementary service manual may show slightly different schematics depending on what year the engine is. There could be other manuals, but these are the only two that I have seen, and it looks like the supplementary service manual came out in 2008 so it may have been necessary to cover any changes made between 2007 and 2008. I think there were a few other changes made around 2010 or so (extra oil pressure sensor?), so there could be others out there. I'm guessing that you'd want to figure out what year the wiring harness you intend to use is from, and go from there. If the main service manual does not have what you need, then I'd look for any other supplementary manuals.

On a related note, I was thinking that I read somewhere people were staying away from the Apex and Phazer engines in ultralights, citing some harmonic/balance issues with the prop caused by or related to the gear reduction unit. I don't know if it was determined to be an actual issue, or if someone was just being overly cautious. I would think the Phazer engine would be excellent in a small aircraft, hopefully it works out for you! :)
