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2012 vector gt

Funny, I heard the limiter straps should be the last adjustment?

I've done all the recommended adjustments on my '06. It's much less tippy now, but now the steering takes a lot of muscle. My Simmons Gen 2 don't help, but I like the floatation they offer. I'm going to return the limiter straps to the original position and give it another try.

I have a different chassis than you though.....
i finally adjusted the limiter strap on my old 06 Vector short track yesterday, and set the dampening dial to soft, wow what a diff sled, actually so enjoyable,my short test run turned into a whole tank burned on freshly virgin groomed trails, i just couldn,t go back home,lol.. BTW the Limiter was as far out as it could go, last hole, i put it in the middle, Dampener to soft(140lbs rider) and front shocks are pretty much clear down, Love it.....
Seems like I was not making my frontend adjustments correctly :o| . That is, I was lifting one side at a time and adjusting the shock springs independently and that was making the springs way looser than by lifting the front completely off the ground and doing both sides. Yesterday I lifted it fully off the ground and the springs had no tension at all and there was about 1/2 -3/4" space/slop between the spring and nut. After adjusting with the front completely lifted the springs have more tension and the A-arms are not as flat now but it handles better with more control.
still wondering about the transfer rod adjustemnt and how it will affect the handling.
thanks for the help
