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2014 Engine Braking Reduction System


Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Does anyone one know if the 2014 Engine Braking Reduction System can be disabled? I would hate to lose my engine braking.
Well if it is anything like the EBRS that is claimed on the 2010 I don't think you have to worry - there is still lots of engine braking. Having said that though, I have never ridden another triple 4 stroke so I can't compare other than to the 500 4 stroke. I would like to have less braking myself to make it feel smoother but I guess it depends on the style of riding that you do and what you need the braking for.
They use an electronic idle air controller instead of the coolant temperature controlled high idle. I think if a toggle switch was installed on the wiring which allows high idle and engine braking reduction it can be selected on or off.
I ride with a group of a few Cats and another Yamaha.

The Cat guys complain about our yamaha engine braking and ask that we tap our break when we let off on the throttle.

The other yamaha guy just says...hey, when you're following a Yamaha and you see a brake light come on, you better get on yours Right Now, cause you're in a world of trouble if you don't.
I find the new 2011 engine braking worse than my 06 like it is louder and more of it my 06 kinda starts and then releases. I don't mind either of them just and observation i had when trading sleds.
The engine braking on my '06 RS Venture is consistant. I can judge my stops on the trail without ever touching the brake. Braking is variable and erratic by some. Drove a two stroke the other day and every turn was a panic grab of the brake. My fault for not being used to it but I can drive my sled all day long with one hand.
Engine braking can be increased/decreased with different clutching.
o-p-o primary spring makes it coast alot more but even with it reduced its still a pain in the #*$&@ in powder and on trail since on trail i tend to not grab the brakes and riding in a group could be dangerous
Its funny I ride with a bunch of 2 smokes and I have this reputation as being this fast hard rider because when we get to the stop they say "you never use the brake!?!?" haha I dont have the heart to tell them. I'll let them keep thinking I am a badazz HAHA
kinger said:
Its funny I ride with a bunch of 2 smokes and I have this reputation as being this fast hard rider because when we get to the stop they say "you never use the brake!?!?" haha I dont have the heart to tell them. I'll let them keep thinking I am a badazz HAHA

