relbus said:
rhouse44 said:
this post is the last that i can give you . they got me. but they have said that i can say. WOW it will be all your looking for and not what you expect

Post a pic proving your at the hotel, then ill buy it.

PureBlue said:
bluemissile said:
mr house probably works for yamaha and this is the last bit of fun they will have at our expense
O i'm sure there in the hotel bar getting drunk and surfing TY, getting a kick out us

bonus points if its a picture at the hilton of a bunch of drunken Yami guys laughing their asses off at us... only cause we deserve it! Sheesh, look at us. We are like sheep!

edit: I accidently a word
rhouse44 said:
this post is the last that i can give you . they got me. but they have said that i can say. WOW it will be all your looking for and not what you expect

So..... super..... g a y.
^ lol @ Ak... I thought you said u were done with this thread!

EDIT: I lol'ed that you were back in this thread, not the g a y comment. (i love that teh site replaces that with goofy) Plus, dude... the preferred nomenclature is homosexual
both pics are photo shopped check out the left ski on the one on the trail you can see half a yammi spindle ;):D on the one in the shop if you zoom in on where the seat & tank meet you will see the green coming through.
now everybody can calm down till we see the real sled tommorow. :jump:
yamajammer76 said:
Well this isn't a sled, but it is something new to see... just posted on Yamaha Snowmobile USA's Facebook page.

See the two headed snake? I told you guys its a snowmobile side by side!
two headed snake? You been hitting the booze already or am I missing something?
kinda looks like it in that picture does'nt it? maybe its my eyes i had to catchup reading 20 pages since this morning. I hope i'm wrong on the sideby side but thats what they put in our head at the dealership said it looked like a side by side snowmobile covered with smoke so you could'nt see it clearly.
DigitalFusion said:
^ lol @ Ak... I thought you said u were done with this thread!

I keep getting sucked back in. :jump: I'm excited about the prospect of a really capable 4-stroke bump sled.

Here is a great link to look at the side shot of the sled up close. The side panel matches that one close up photo of the red and white graphic. I think this Pro-cross hybrid is the real deal.

http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/benwab ... de0f37.jpg
4strokes are better than2 said:
lol yammi & cats partnership yammi is just helping cat get over the hill :jump:

See, I'd never make fun of a guy for having to be towed... not only does it suck to be on the other end of it (which has never happened to me on my yami), but Kama's a b***h!
