Plymouth-aha might be appropriate.
canadianhunter said:
Talking about red clothing ? Some years back there was talk about Yamaha red or going to red or something.

"Going" to red? Yamaha has been red and white for most of their history. Only recently have they gone to mostly blue. I like the red better - it's their history.
LOL @ the whiners! You just can't please everyone. I see this partnership as nothing but positive. My turbo procross is only disappointing in the engine compartment. It will be for sale if the blue sled has the nytro motor!
Loyalty to whom?

As a consumer, and a believer in capitalism my loyalty is to me and my needs. So far our 2012 Vector fits the bill. The old 1997 Venture ain't bad either.
Rocky 18, aka Mike


  • Red Rocket.JPG
    Red Rocket.JPG
    635 KB · Views: 86
  • Blue Max.jpg
    Blue Max.jpg
    625.5 KB · Views: 96
You have to believe that this has been in the works for a long time and that perhaps Yamaha had their fingers in the initial build for the Procross chassis??? Thus they would have an idea of how to mount their own motor in that sled... We will see in a couple hours for sure I guess... I just hope the servers can keep up on here!
RW06GT said:
LOL @ the whiners! You just can't please everyone. I see this partnership as nothing but positive. My turbo procross is only disappointing in the engine compartment. It will be for sale if the blue sled has the nytro motor!

I agree 100% so sick of all these cry babies! they have zero info on the new product I for one cant wait for a snowcross/nytro
Re: Loyalty to whom?

rocky18 said:
As a consumer, and a believer in capitalism my loyalty is to me and my needs. So far our 2012 Vector fits the bill. The old 1997 Venture ain't bad either.
Rocky 18, aka Mike

sounds like a follower of ayn rand, or maybe milton fredmn
I am not surprised by the announcement regarding the Cat thing at all. We have been discussing this for a long time. If it will make the sled handle better, require less mods by being great right out of the crate, win races, and continue on with the legendary Yamaha reliability then you have a recipe for success.
lol told you my photo was real!!! I expect an apology from everyone that said it was a Photoshop job :tg:
ha ha i HATE arctic cats dammit, and i thought i was gonna be pissed about this merger,uuuuuumm, i think i need a red viper rtx!
