2015 RS Viking Pro - Won’t Start

Disconnect your temp sensor and run it.
See if it runs any better.
if you have a spare set of coils for the plugs, try running it with those. they might be breaking down when hot causing bad spark as it sounds like fuel is good.
Also, make sure they are the OEM Yamaha coils.
These engines don't like other coils.
Well sometimes you just have to walk away from it and find something else to do . O there's no doubt it's not over until the fat lady flies . Well that's were I'm at today . Barlow and I worked all day in the shop and walked around that no good pile of aluminum & plastic an never even mentioned it all day . Well I'll bet anyone 50 bucks right now that tomorrow morning as Barlow walks in to make coffee we'll be talking and by the time the first cup is slurped down that vicking is gonna get it . Barlow is my righthand man and he was doing the same thing I was today are hands were busy on 1 thing and are mind was working on something else not to far away .
Well here's the up date on that pile of aluminum & plastic. Intake valves are left to right mag side 4 , 4 , 5 , 3 , 6, 4 mag side left to right exhaust 5 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 8 , 5 . So I guess having them to tight can be a problem . Yellow marker on cam bolts have not been touched from factory . You can tell the motor has never been opened up and bolts have never seen a socket . Run the numbers and converted thousands to mm 25.4 . Got my shim kit 9.48 out and I'm missing some of the ones I need . It's cheaper to buy a new kit as compared to ordering what you don't have . Kit will be hear next wk . Anyone take me up on that bet ??
Here's the up date . I run the the over head and set the intake at 7 to 8 thousands exhaust 8 to 9 thousands putter back together started it up . Its runs really smooth and never offered to spit and sputter all day and I started it up about 20 times off and on all day and let it run 30 or 40 mins each time . Everything works as it should . So long story short if the the valves are to tight they don't like it . Next stop 30,000 miles and to my bone yard she will go . Yamaha the best sled on earth .
Here's the up date . I run the the over head and set the intake at 7 to 8 thousands exhaust 8 to 9 thousands putter back together started it up . Its runs really smooth and never offered to spit and sputter all day and I started it up about 20 times off and on all day and let it run 30 or 40 mins each time . Everything works as it should . So long story short if the the valves are to tight they don't like it . Next stop 30,000 miles and to my bone yard she will go . Yamaha the best sled on earth .
Awesome job!!
I use a slid mic and check the shims as I go . You would be surprised at how they very . If you take your time you can generally hit your center spec really close .
