yukon yamaha said:
Gonna toss this out there........
163 Yamaha pro cross viper with stock genesis engine (135hp) WITH A FACTORY TURBO. 180hp not 190
Now normally I would never never expect Yamaha to bolt a turbo on to one of their rigs UNLESS cat puts a turbo on next year and releases it forcing Yamahas hand into doing the same so they don't loose sales to their own engine.
A Yamacat 153/162 w/ 180hp " mountain max" would draw a lot of attention I think..... If both company's bought the same turbo system to cut $$$ down it might even be affordable...

Arctic cat could force Yamahas hand into a turbo since cat has run factory turbos in the past.
Any thoughts??

THis is pretty much what I think will happen. If cat does put a turbo on the 7000 than Yamaha better do the same or they are going to be in even more trouble and playing even more catch up. Also if cat does turbo the 7000 I think it will replace the current suzuki 1100 turboed 9000.

As much as I dont want to say this, yamaha has some serious catching up to do with their current chasis's. It makes a person wonder if they are going to stay in the sled business and if they do stay in the business I think Yamaha will buy out Arctic Cat.
The M1100 T handles no better than an Apex MTX in the trees and tight terrain, infact its worse. A lot of guys looking to dump them. I know Yamaha doesn't care, but if that's gonna be the new mountain sled I'm gone.
Even if the viper becomes a mountain max and it is just a 153/162 yamacat, if they bump the nytro motor up to 165-170 hp and have to run 91 like the apex it would be a really fun sled..... With a few small tweeks from the factory,
1) re-program ecu for better starting
2) chain case drain
3) fix right side prime issue
4) peak 2.5 track (clipped all holes)
5) 38" stance
6) factory anti stab and rail braces

I would have to consider dropping my viper xtx and going to a 153. if they were to come stock with 165-170 hp imagine the fun you could have after hindle, excel, umler got their hands on some power up kits!!!!!
Yamaha that would tide me over until you came out with the sled to change the way every one sees a snow machine!
yukon yamaha said:
Even if the viper becomes a mountain max and it is just a 153/162 yamacat, if they bump the nytro motor up to 165-170 hp and have to run 91 like the apex it would be a really fun sled..... With a few small tweeks from the factory,
1) re-program ecu for better starting
2) chain case drain
3) fix right side prime issue
4) peak 2.5 track (clipped all holes)
5) 38" stance
6) factory anti stab and rail braces

I would have to consider dropping my viper xtx and going to a 153. if they were to come stock with 165-170 hp imagine the fun you could have after hindle, excel, umler got their hands on some power up kits!!!!!
Yamaha that would tide me over until you came out with the sled to change the way every one sees a snow machine!
7) Lose 75 lbs
any weight loss would be good, but we really cant expect them to be down in the weights of two strokes without them being $$$$$
I do think there are some places to loose weight but not a lot.
go to a ytx14 battery like the apex
all float skid
try to pull some pounds out of the hood.
even a ported track would help a bit.
I have to agree every pound helps. :yam:
They need to be 500 lbs or its a no go for the mountains. Poo's are 420, Cat and Doo are 450ish. If they cant get close to 500 then its gonna be hard to attract guys over to team blue.
for the high elevation guys 165 NA HP isn't going to be enough unless they do the 75-100lb weight drop.

at 10k feet we lose 30% of our HP.
cacsrx1 said:
tmk50 said:
for the high elevation guys 165 NA HP isn't going to be enough unless they do the 75-100lb weight drop.

at 10k feet we lose 30% of our HP.
X2 :sled1:


Unless they pull a major rabbit out of their hat, there is no way a 4 stroke is on my list for my next mountain sled. I rode the 2013 offerings and the 2 strokes are just that much easier and more fun for me to ride. I don't ride enough miles for the 4 stroke longevity to matter much. I will put a set of pistons in a two stroke every couple of seasons to help with reliability and enjoy the limited time I have to ride in the mountains that much more.
What ever cat builds with a Yamaha engine turbo or not is what Yamaha will get. One in the same now. 2 divisions of the one company.
I hope I'm wrong.
I am really hoping for a Yamaha built sled. Even knowing the SR Vipers work well when it is running I have never been a big fan of cat quality. I did buy a ski-doo XRS with etec this year and am not as impressed as every magazine article I read bragging up the doos. It is a 2010 without r motion but still gave me a feel for the chassie and is little twitchy at high speed trail riding that I like to do. Not as bad as the nitro but just not the sled for me. Build quality is no way near yamaha but still a nice sled. 2 cylinder 2 strokes or 4 strokes do not excite me that much. They sound industrial. Like you should be mowing the lawn or generating power LOL! My 11 year old son went for a blast across the lake on a 14 cat turbo and he said dad it sounds like a diesel pickup truck! I had to laugh but he is right. IMO there is no better thing to get your heart racing is the sound and power of the 4 cylinders especially when you mix it with a turbo whistle!! So please yamaha build me a new lighter apex! But I think it will be a new or tweeked yamaha motor in a cat chassis. always fun to dream!
I think in the near future the forward path for Yamaha Motor at least in North America will become clear. Let's be honest, Arctic Cat is a tiny company trying to live on a small marketshare of snowmobiles, ATVs and Side by sides. Snowmobiles and ATVs are a shrinking market leaving only Side by sides as a possible place to gain, but even then Arctic Cat has a tiny share of that market. Arctic Cat is still profitable, but going forward they lack the capital that will be required to compete in these shrinking markets. I honestly think at some point there is going to be more to all of this then just an engine sharing and manufacturing agreement. This is just my opinion and how I see the market going in the future. Yamaha Corporate seems committed to snowmobiles only because of corporate pride and Arctic Cat just doesn't have the resources to compete with BRP or Polaris, but together they really could do some amazing things.

I guess time will tell and 2015 might give us a better idea of the direction all of this is taking.
rvtransport said:
I am really hoping for a Yamaha built sled. Even knowing the SR Vipers work well when it is running I have never been a big fan of cat quality. I did buy a ski-doo XRS with etec this year and am not as impressed as every magazine article I read bragging up the doos. It is a 2010 without r motion but still gave me a feel for the chassie and is little twitchy at high speed trail riding that I like to do. Not as bad as the nitro but just not the sled for me. Build quality is no way near yamaha but still a nice sled. 2 cylinder 2 strokes or 4 strokes do not excite me that much. They sound industrial. Like you should be mowing the lawn or generating power LOL! My 11 year old son went for a blast across the lake on a 14 cat turbo and he said dad it sounds like a diesel pickup truck! I had to laugh but he is right. IMO there is no better thing to get your heart racing is the sound and power of the 4 cylinders especially when you mix it with a turbo whistle!! So please yamaha build me a new lighter apex! But I think it will be a new or tweeked yamaha motor in a cat chassis. always fun to dream!


Is agree on the sound also, the only thing that would get me back on a 2 stroke would be an DI version of the SRX mill...... even the 4cyl apex don't sound as sweet as a triple triple! My phazer just sounds very odd, even with aftermarket exhaust and nytro/vipers sound ok.
