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2016 Apex XTX high RPM, low cruise speed

What are expected cruise RPMS for an xtx with:

1.35 Ice attack (1.75 removed)
8 tooth drivers (stock was 7 tooth)
stock clutch, stock gears
1.61 ratio confirmed.
Snow trackers

I am seeing crappy distance to needing fuel compared to an 03 sx viper.

All bearings are good. 8DN belt is brand new, clutches are very clean. Adjustment in secondary is keeping belt just proud of flush.

7,000 RPM is generally 40-45 MPH.
8,000 RPM is a meager 50-55 mph.

onboard GPS and the Dream meter are within 2mph.

Should I be expecting a comfortable cruise of 55-60MPH at 7,000?

170lbs, 0-1000 feet.

Sure hope there is some clutch work someone has figured out to calm down the revs. As it is this is a truck.


How much is involved in switching to 8 tooth driver.
I have a 146” 1.75 and want to run a ice attack 1.23.
And more top end with the 8 teeth.
How much is involved in switching to 8 tooth driver.
I have a 146” 1.75 and want to run a ice attack 1.23.
And more top end with the 8 teeth.
I did this a couple years ago. Just remove the axle and press on the new drivers.
If I remember correctly there was enough adjustment at the rear tensioners.
The speedo will read low and the only way to change that would be to get a meter from an Apex with the 8 tooth drivers or have a custom speedo pickup gear made with another tooth at least.
