2016 chain case leak

I checked every cat and viper at the sled show in Toronto. I only found one that wasn't wet One of the cat dealers told me that they had already fixed a couple 15's.
Wow. How is that possible , so many leaking
Remember that there is 3 different versions of covers.
14-Thin Tab
14,15-Thick Tab
15,16-Dipstick Version

If we want to fix possible problem it would be best to know which version. I assume all 16's have dipstick version. Let's figure this out. I know gasket is also different maybe some oil gets between ledges on gasket and eventually seeps out. So starting from clean how long before oil spot appears?
I cleaned it all off. Installed a forth wheel kit, flashed it up on the stand to adjust the track, and it was wet again the next day
If you can't or won't take it to dealer I would make sure it's chaincase oil. If it's engine oil the fitting that bolts on here could be missing oring.
Does anyone know why these things are leaking?
Bad gasket? bad design? Incompetent combine builder assembling my $17,000 sled? WTF?
If its Chaincase oil I am afraid someone is going to have to take it apart and at least inspect that gasket. Here is thread on how.
Thanks a lot That's an awesome thread! It will be going to the dealer for the warranty work. I hope they at least use some three bond RTV sealant with the gasket. I used to use that on the valve cover gaskets on our motocross bikes and never had a leak!
Does anyone know why these things are leaking?
Bad gasket? bad design? Incompetent combine builder assembling my $17,000 sled? WTF?
Its the thirddesign so that tells you something. I keep a spare tank and cover at home just in case I screw mine up when taking it apart for gear changes and things. Think of your Grandmas favorite Porcelain dishes. They are very fragile and can be lots of things to go wrong if you are not very careful.
Thanks a lot That's an awesome thread! It will be going to the dealer for the warranty work. I hope they at least use some three bond RTV sealant with the gasket. I used to use that on the valve cover gaskets on our motocross bikes and never had a leak!
I never had to use sealant on gasket. On oil tank the recommended sealant is Loctite 5699 Silicone. Its a bit less runny than the ThreeBond.
Just talked to my dealer again. they have been putting a mile on it a day, and waiting over night. the sled is still dripping. They are trying to figure it out.
Warranty will replace both cases and all gaskets seals and bearings. Just tell them to get it all.
