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22 LTX rear skid adjustments

Once you get it set up right, you won’t let anyone touch it … Good Luck on your trip, its in there, find it…. When you do Thank Me as you smile down the trail… check your clutches, if they are hot or you blow a belt, they wil need adjustments also …. Stay Safe , Be Smart ….
I respect everyones opinion and learn as I go and do not want anyone to take offense to what Iam sharing and knowledge I have… I truly think if I can help anyone improve what they have and enjoy this winter sport as I have for so many years then that what makes this site special and thats what makes our sleds better…. There is nothing better than to get on your snowmobile and have it perfect in Speed, Handling, comfort, easy of operation, light steering, performance, proper maintenance, and longevity….. We all want that and can help each other I believe…
Same here, we’re all here to help and learn from each other. You are right about the centre shock spring, tighter the preload the worse the ride gets. I have 6 k on my 2020, centre spring has about 2-2 1/2 turns of preload, rear spring is set to 1 if I’m day riding or 2 on saddle bag trips. Even on setting 1 my sled sits the same way as when I bought it.
Well I'm 290lbs and on position 2 on my spring adjuster and my snow flap still ain't dragging after 5000km on my 2020 ltx SE and I ride pretty hard. Bad springs!
When you inspect your shock rods you can normally see how much of the shock is being used ( travel ) they pretty much tell you what you need to do to improve don’t you agree ??? Too stiff no travel, too soft no travel … other than feel I use this to adjust before I revalue ….
Well I'm 290lbs and on position 2 on my spring adjuster and my snow flap still ain't dragging after 5000km on my 2020 ltx SE and I ride pretty hard. Bad springs!
You mean to say wore out springs ….. Yes in your case, time for new springs I agree … You are right … But read my content and maybe try the set up and there just might be something you like about it ….
My springs are 100% still I am meant the OP has bad springs. His sled is new and sagging!
Yeah, the flap definitely isn’t hitting the floor but goes lower than I’d expect is correct. Especially since I can sit on the Viper right next to it it’s totally different. On the first day of riding it I let my buddy drive and I followed him and it just looked like the flap was a bit close to the snow but not touching. I wouldn’t say that it’s defective but who knows. Maybe there is a learning curve here and some trial by error is needed but the day I bought the Viper he said it’s all set on Medium, you’re good to go…and I was. Never messed with it. Told the same thing with SW and it’s just different and it doesn’t seem like going to 3 on rear will get me there. 5 days of riding in few days so we’ll see but it would be nice to have it correct from mile 1. Appreciate all the input.
No problem dragging the snowflap in the snow. That's how new ski-doo's are set and they have the best rear suspension... :D

Problem arise only if you bottom to frequently.
Well I dialed all the front shock preload out and that seemed to fix everything. Sag is gone, just normal slid action set in. Handling is almost like my viper and steering is light. I may add just a bit of center shock preload yet. Also the rear shock is a hair soft yet. May move spring cam adjuster to 3 from current 2 and see how I like it. If I have to go to three I’ll just go to bigger springs so I have some adjustability. Thanks!
Hey your on the right track and after fine tune adjustments she will rail .. Glad it is doing what it was designed to do as it should… Stay safe and thanks for confirming the information…
