240 tune vs 270 tune

Turbo guys are spoiled.

Buying a set of $600 pipes and $1500 worth of case porting, cylinder porting, and head work in 1990's money got us 35 HP on the old Tcats and it still needed lots of jetting and exhaust temp monitoring.

We get a lot of performance for the money today.

IMO, going past the 240 tune unless you want to support the rest with muffler mod, BOV, etc. is only worth it if you want the Xtra 30 - 40 HP. If you spend most of your time of the trail, the 240 will probably work well. I spent a lot of time and cash getting my 1100 to live on pump gas at 300HP. 95% of the time, the 240 tune I had previously would meet my needs. Its all about how much you want the other 5%. I viewed my upgrade as a science project more than a performance upgrade. I learned a lot and I love the sled. Not sure I would do that again. With that said, I start the learning curve over on my 2022 Tcat. Fortunately there are a lot of smart guys on this forum for support.

Regardless of the tune, there is always someone faster on Kevlar Lake.
Hey Upstater57,

Did you ever get the Hurricane tune installed with Dalton adjustable weights on your ‘22 T-cat?
Hey Upstater57,

Did you ever get the Hurricane tune installed with Dalton adjustable weights on your ‘22 T-cat?
I have not done so yet. I plan to ride the sled the first 500 miles at least bone stock (except for track studs, shaft saver, bigger sway bar, and a few suspension upgrades) . Hopefully we have snow to ride on for Snowdeo weekend in Old Forge on December 9 - 11.
I have not done so yet. I plan to ride the sled the first 500 miles at least bone stock (except for track studs, shaft saver, bigger sway bar, and a few suspension upgrades) . Hopefully we have snow to ride on for Snowdeo weekend in Old Forge on December 9 - 11.
Ok...Awesome !!
Yes, Lets hope there's snow for Snodeo. I was disappointed they canceled this years NY shootout.

The reason I asked was to see if you had the clutch weights needed for the 240 & 270 tunes on the new adapt clutches. I spoke with Dave from Hurricane and he's going to run some test once there's snow to dial in the new Dalton QA3 weights for the 240 and 270 tunes.
I have just over 700 miles on mine and started upgrading the sled a week ago. I have been recording videos and posting them to my YouTube channel of all the upgrades.
So far I installed the PEFI Charge tubes & Easy Oil Change unit, front Elka Stage 5 shocks, DMC Brass shift forks, Hurricane Performance needle bearing top gear, PEFI Chain Adjuster and drilled out the rivets for the right side belly pan and replaced them with rivnuts to make the belly pan removable for adjusting the chain tension easier.
Still left to install are the rear Elka Stage 5 shocks, Dupont slides, Speedwerx quick coupler block, PEFI driveshaft saver & Belly Guard, Hurricane Trail muffler, 3 map sensor, BOV, Dalton QA3-69 weights (69-78.4) and Hurricane flasher with the 225-240-270 SM & PM tunes.

Keep me posted on your upgrades.
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