4 position torsion spring blocks...$65


Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Lebanon, PA 17042
2017 sidewinder ltx dx
2018 snoscoot
Designed a torsion spring adjuster block for the Japan sleds but designed it to also fit the sidewinder and viper skids.

The Japan block and cat block are nearly identical on the amount of preload applied. I matched the Japan block, so will be slightly stiffer on all settings compared to the stock cat block.

From center of pivot, the japan settings are .426", .786", and 1.1856 " The cat block is .39", .75", and 1.13".

Overload position 4 is 1.669". This will be ideal for heavier riders, aggressive riding, and sleds with a seat jack.

Blocks are constructed of 6061 Aluminum and riveted together.

There is a 11/16" coupling nut pressed into the bock which is used to adjust the settings. By locating this off the pivot center line the block is much easier to turn as mechanical advantage is gained. The gained advantage plus use of steel coupling nut makes stripping adjustment nuts a thing of the past.

As an FYI, these will work on all yamaha japan torsion spring suspensions and all Viper and Sidewinder torsion spring skids as well.

Retail is going to be a bit a little cheaper than originally projected to. Will be selling them for $65 a set. ;)!. I will get them in the online store soon.

You should contact Muffin Works.. they have a CAD dwg of a 5 position they sold but don't anymore.
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Is powder coating an option?

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Technical wouldn't those be a 5 way adjuster?

The 5th position isn't used. If I add height to make position 5 any bigger it has Clearance issue on the fx nytro. I designed it to fit many models.
So how does a guy get ohold of one of these

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ordered mine 5 days ago and I can't wait!! is there a lead time for making them?
ordered mine 5 days ago and I can't wait!! is there a lead time for making them?

I apologize for the delay. I was not able to get much done last week as we were at hospital with our daughter. All is well again with her and I'm in overdrive trying to catch up. The blocks were dropped off at powdercoater yesterday, and should be done today.

On a side note I added markings to indicate position for some finishing touches to the final product!

