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64 degrees in Houghton Mi, WTF!


Jan 1, 2008
Houghton, Michigan
I can’t even believe the temp outside right now. Time to put the Sled away and tune up the 4wheeler and pull the plow off. This sucks!!!!


Sucks. Its 50 in Duluth/superior. And it's melting quick. But Friday-Thursday will be below freezing again with snow in the forecast. Weird weird season.

But I'm sure houghton has about 2 feet more snow than we do
It is going fast and the trails are starting to show a little dirt in some spots.

My only thought is when it is cold again, it will be all ice and hard as a brick. :o|
This sason sucked period!!! Snow came late and now leaving this early W.T.F. This is suppoused to be the best riding month of the season. Evry year it gets shorter and shorter. Why even bother getting all geeked up, its just been nothing but disapointing! I usually ride 4,000 mi a year. But the last few years its ben like 1700mi. Right now trying to find a reason to keep doing this. :die ;):D :o| :o|
Going to be high forties and showers/rain the next few days here...Not good at all...........
That's not good. They're still only saying mid 40's in northern New England Friday but rain likely. It wouldn't be so bad if there was snow behind it, but nope. Just a good freeze. Can you say overheating??? I'll just play off trail all weekend if I have to. The trails around here were the absolute BEST I have seen them in years...for 2 short weeks. :o|
Keep the faith boys, the season runs till the end of March,in Michigan, THEN its over, not until ;)! :-o
Nick1945 said:
Keep the faith boys, the season runs till the end of March,in Michigan, THEN its over, not until ;)! :-o

X2, she's going to cool off again and it is going to snow again. There was a bunch of snow up there, Michigan will be rideable in March for sure......................at least that is what I keep telling myself :o|
The season goes by fast because it's short.
Nick1945 said:
Keep the faith boys, the season runs till the end of March,in Michigan, THEN its over, not until ;)! :-o

Easy for someone who's already rode like 5k damn miles this year to say!


But I agree or at least I want to be optimistic as well. Really don't want to end up just riding 2 weekends this year. Especially with a work related move to Tulsa looking very likely. :die
Feel the same way... it's certainly hard to justify buying anything new if we're going to keep having winters like this. When it was here, it was great (at least around me), but this is getting ridiculous. Like others have said... guess I'll wait out the next two weeks and keep my fingers crossed, but more than likely, I'll put everything away and get to work on the boats... I love boating, but not this early... :o|
