Adding Vents to Viper Engine Compartment

You dont think the edge is gonna hurt your knees?
I was playing trailriding in garage out of that concern. When hanging off knee is tucked in tight on opposite side of hang and other is not against it. Knees pretty much clear but if it bugs me I will sand down the inner edge. We will see.
Or just put on a pair of knee pads ;)

Racing and riding quads was lots of times inside of knees were black and blue. As long as it doesnt wreak my Klim bibs it wont be a issue.
Anyway the knee pads they sale OEM is not even at the right place....
My opinion
I meant knee pads on your knees ;)

I know. I dont want either since this sled would be better if a guy could get about a inch more forward. I am always riding way up on it.
The cooler the engine compartment the better. Longer belt life. Longer component life.
Any updates on installing Moflow vents at the back, by your knees. Do they help ? Does the engine , clutch run cooler ? Thanks ..
Any updates on installing Moflow vents at the back, by your knees. Do they help ? Does the engine , clutch run cooler ? Thanks ..
I LOVE them. And based on the amount of heat keeping my legs warm yes they keep everything cooler. Not that it is really needed but.
Any updates on installing Moflow vents at the back, by your knees. Do they help ? Does the engine , clutch run cooler ? Thanks ..
I have not done the knee vents yet, however they were in the kit that I purchased. I bought a second set of panels to install the vents in allowing me to swap panels back to stock when it gets really cold. Got my kit from EPS, very well built.


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I pulled the shield by the primary clutch and used a dremel tool to cut some of it out. Lots of hot air get pushed out of the new hole, I was surprised. I also have the knee vents, they let out a lot of heat. I have 7000 and those cat clutches run really hot. So I’m trying to open the sled plastics up a bit to get some cool air in there.


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