AEM AFR problem


TY 4 Stroke God
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
La Salle MB
2009 Yamaha Nytro RTX SE
Hey Guys,

Last ride my AFR seems to have quit. It is still displaying numbers however it is pretty much stuck. The numbers almost didn't change at all pretty much stuck at 13.6 occasionally moving a couple decimal points. Normally the it is all over the place when I am on and off the throttle and reacts very fast.

I was thinking that my probe/sensor has quit. Do the above symptoms sound like a toasted sensor? Or should I be looking at something else? I did have the tank off a short time ago and was wondering if I might have damaged a wire.

Thanks for any feedback you guys can provide.
Make sure that the sensor didn't become unplugged. It will act that way if it has become unplugged from the main harness running to the gauge (or make sure the main harness from the sensor is still seated fully in the back of the gauge as well).
What kind of fuel are you running?

Avgas can be hard on sensors...
Srxspec said:
Make sure that the sensor didn't become unplugged. It will act that way if it has become unplugged from the main harness running to the gauge (or make sure the main harness from the sensor is still seated fully in the back of the gauge as well).

ok thanks Allen that is possible since I had the back half of the sled apart before it acted up. I'll check that out.
mtdream said:
What kind of fuel are you running?

Avgas can be hard on sensors...

Just pump premium.
Mine acted up a while ago. I recalibrated it, and it has worked fine for about 1200 km's.

However, last week it started acting up again. So we'll see if it still works.
No recalibration needed for the AEM setup. Do the suggested test and check wiring.

Innovate widebands seems to need recalibration often and its a PITA to wire in the correct way. I have one on the shelf and theres where it works best...
