After 15 months finally got a motor

I say this cuz DOO Encrypted the HELL out of the 900R.
Maybe they're not confident their motor can handle high HP or maybe they just want complete control.

Ski-doo is a perfect example of why you would want to ‘protect’ the firmware/files as I think they sell the same engine for in multiple configurations. I don’t think Yamaha has the same incentive. It doesn’t take much to ‘lock’ a cpu, even a simple password will be hard to crack.

It’s alive! Runs good at idle, warms up nicely so I’m not too worried about coolant bubbles. I can’t see a line on the chain case and hyfax is on the wear line. So I’ll have a little maintenance to do but fingers crossed on this one!
Well its not normal for the tune brand we run, but there is a lot of fried engines and cracked heads from deto with the brand of tunes the OP was running. Not only Yamaha engines but a rash of 900t's as well. Most don't seem to talk of it publicly which I just don't understand. I know a few here have tried to warn people like Turboflash, but he's in the minority. Most seem to protect the tuner and not speak about it.

There is a reason "our tune guy" refuses to turn down the knock sensitivity! I will never switch tuners because of it, also because he did the testing and development on the knock detection and perfected it on the 998 with knock ears on the engine dyno like Delphi or GM would do in the automobile world while developing engine platforms to verify the proper frequency and noise levels.

I'm glad Yamaha stepped to the plate for an new engine for the OP, they certainly didn't have to do that to cover a tuners inadequacies in developing a proper knock system on a tuned sled, but they did. Speaks volumes for the company Yamaha is. Some of the other OEM's would have told him to pound sand.
I will never forget the first Chevy Truck. I had in for repairs after knock sensors. It was in due to a lack of power. He had just installed Thrush Glass pack mufflers. I put my Snap On Mag Timer on it. I know I am dating myself! But you should have heard the whining on the other end of the Land Line! When I had to call him and tell him. Your ECM is retarding the timing due to the noise from your Glass packs. It thinks it’s detonation! Is that not what Ski Doos DPM was about?
I work on Robotic Tire Changers. They change the tire. Including BMW Runflats and Corvette Runflats with your hands behind your back! And cost $44,000. No matter how much Robotics. They introduce. These engineers. While there intentions are good. They do not have a clue! Because they have never operated a basic Tire Changer. Like we have. It is all about the Physics! Coats 20 20 Bubble Balancers! John Bean Visual Liners! Now they are copying the best Italian Tire changers in the world! More power to them! God bless the USA! I have seen Ford do the same thing! They copied the Yamaha SHO Taurus. 3.0! When they came out with the 4.6 Modular. V8! That Yamaha V6 with the Badass Secondary Throttle. Plates! Would come in with 150,000. Miles not leaking a drop of oil! Since I have owned many Yamaha products over the years? I like many mechanics. Do not want to work on my stuff. After work. The most popular car. Among Mechanics. Back then was a Mopar Slant 6! Thanks for looking! This is not a pissing contest! This is a sad day for America? What is happening? To our Country? God Bless America! And our Canadian and . Native Brothers as well. We are all learning to be Human? God Bless!
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I work on Robotic Tire Changers. They change the tire. Including BMW Runflats and Corvette Runflats with your hands behind your back! And cost $44,000. No matter how much Robotics. They introduce. These engineers. While there intentions are good. They do not have a clue! Because they have never operated a basic Tire Changer. Like we have. It is all about the Physics! Coats 20 20 Bubble Balancers! John Bean Visual Liners! Now they are copying the best Italian Tire changers in the world! More power to them! God bless the USA! I have seen Ford do the same thing! They copied the Yamaha SHO Taurus. 3.0! When they came out with the 4.6 Modular. V8! That Yamaha V6 with the Badass Secondary Throttle. Plates! Would come in with 150,000. Miles not leaking a drop of oil! Since I have owned many Yamaha products over the years? I like many mechanics. Do not want to work on my stuff. After work. The most popular car. Among Mechanics. Back then was a Mopar Slant 6! Thanks for looking! This is not a pissing contest! This is a sad day for America? What is happening? To our Country? God Bless America! And our Canadian and . Native Brothers as well. We are all learning to be Human? God Bless!
You are correct abotu the slant 6. I did however blow up a slant six in my ancient Plymouth Valiant. I set it up for a burn out contest (circa 1978). I took the rear shocks out and installed chucks of 4x4 to stiffen the rear end. Installed a bald tire and plugged off the rear brake line so it only had front brakes. With a little foot pressure, it would smoke the tire as far you would want to go. After a few dozen high rev neutral to drive engagements the number 3 rod escaped through the block. It was actually still running on 5 cylinders when I opened the hood. The mopar slant six was a tough little beast. I paid a hundred bucks for the car and got about twenty-five for it when I crushed it. It was very cheap entertainment. LOL
