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Another "monoshock" question?


Jul 19, 2004
Hey guys,
Now that more of you have taken delivery of your new 05 Rx-1's, I was wondering if you could give me some insight on this issue?
The new Monoshock RA suspension doesn't have any zerk fittings. Finally, my dealer has got back to me saying that when it needs to be re-greased, the skid needs to be taken apart, which should be done at the end of every season in my opinion. It's just ridiculous how Yamaha designed this rear skid maintenance wise that it needs to be taken apart to lubricate. My only thought is to have my dealer install some zerk fittings for around $60. Have any of you asked your dealer about this issue/how did they reply? Thanks for your help everyone. ;)!

I have a RX-1 orderd. And I find this to be ridiculous too. Im going to NELSONS SNO-MOTION this weekend and I will talk to them about this. I will also talk to the YAMAHA reps about it. But I find most of the reps to be ( I hate to say this ) stupid...
sleds are like cars... They build them to wear out.. because they make the engines so durable. Other wise they wont sell parts!
I realized that there are no grease fittings on the rear suspension today,i think this is a poor decision. I rode the 05 RX1 prototype for a fair amount of time, when rep was asked why there were no grease fittings, i am almost positive he said their would be on the production model. I have to believe yamaha feels they are not nessasary or they would be on it. Any one know what type of bushing/bearing it pivots on?
VT.RX1 said:
I realized that there are no grease fittings on the rear suspension today,i think this is a poor decision. I rode the 05 RX1 prototype for a fair amount of time, when rep was asked why there were no grease fittings, i am almost positive he said their would be on the production model. I have to believe yamaha feels they are not nessasary or they would be on it. Any one know what type of bushing/bearing it pivots on?

I don't know, but I suppose it could be an oil impregnated bushing, they do exist.
Oil bushings would last maybe a season. I'd opt for the grease zerks. I'd do it myself, if they do it there will be shavings in there and someone will probably locate a zerk where you can't reach it. It would require taking the skid out.
Maybe they put in sealed bearings. Not many new cars come with grease fittings and they last quite awhile before parts need replacing. I just can't believe Yamaha would make something that would require taking it all apart and replacing bushings every year. Still waiting for the call on my sled so I can see for myself.
LB, I hope your right that they do not need to be greased, but, on my 03 i replaced all bushings and bearings at 5000 miles and on my 04, i replaced them at 8,900 miles. They were spent even though i greased every week. They wear in relation to use, not time. ;)!
Of course its in relation to use and not time.. I was only basing that time guess on how much *I* ride in a year, which I suspect to be slightly above average (nowhere near your mileage). Either way, I figure that with heavy mileage, they've got to be ripped apart every year for bushings anyways.
LazyBastard said:
Of course its in relation to use and not time.. I was only basing that time guess on how much *I* ride in a year, which I suspect to be slightly above average (nowhere near your mileage). Either way, I figure that with heavy mileage, they've got to be ripped apart every year for bushings anyways.

I generally don't get around to doing things like this, but I honestly do think it's a great idea to pull your skid out, take it apart, sand blast it and repaint and reassemble it at least every two years if not yearly.
