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Anyone done a Rmotion 137 swap in an apex?

Brandon Doering

May 16, 2019
Unionville, Virginia
2002 Yamaha SRX 700
2008 Yamaha Apex GT
Hey all I’m wanting to put an Rmotion 137 Skid into my 07Apex. I’ve seen two people who have done it but anyone currently have one and rode some miles with it? I’m looking at extending and upgrading my suspension in my 07 apex GT to 136” I’ve read about Cat suspensions, Polaris, and some skidoo. I guess I’d like to hear what was the simplest yet most practical. I’m interested in a ZX2, Skidoo Rmotion, and the Polaris IQ suspension. Where would I find a ZX2 since they are out of business? Thanks for any info! Also if anyone who has done quite a few suspension swaps wouldn’t mind throwing me some helpful info I would appreciate it. I don’t want to screw it up.
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Scour Youtube.
I think i saw something there on a R-Motion in an Apex.
You can find used skids at any Used Snowmobile Parts warehouse.

LOTS of thought & engineering needs to be done first though.
Half an inch off can make, or BREAK, this project.
M-10's or M-20's have been installed a lot on these machines & may be a better choice in terms of already been done successfully.

Either way, keep us posted since these are fun projects to watch.
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Scour Youtube.
I think i saw something there on a R-Motion in an Apex.
You can find used skids at any Used Snowmobile Parts warehouse.

LOTS of thought & engineering needs to be done first though.
Half an inch off can make, or BREAK, this project.
M-10's or M-20's have been installed a lot on these machines & may be a better choice in terms of already been done successfully.

Either wyt, keep us posted since these are fun projects to watch.
I will def keep everyone posted. I’ve ridden an m10 and m20 and for the style of riding I do it doesn’t do what I want. Not saying it isn’t a good suspension, it’s ridiculously comfortable. I’m just wanting to do something a little different that’ll fit my needs more.
The process is pretty similar, you need to see a factory sled with the skid installed and measure from driveshaft laterally to mounts, and then from level ground to DS and then to both hole locations vertically.

The ZX2 is the best skid I have ridden, I was impressed with the R-motion (the '21 updated one) I rode last winter but the ZX2 is still more 'playful' and sporty. I feel like superman when I am pounding the ZX2 hard, feels indestructible. I have toyed with replicating the geometry of the skid in aluminum to see if I like the ZX2 because of the geometry or because its literally unbreakable being all plastic and the flex that comes with that material.
Maybe if we all got together and did a group buy AD would remake a few!
Probably wishful thinking!
Scour Youtube.
I think i saw something there on a R-Motion in an Apex.
You can find used skids at any Used Snowmobile Parts warehouse.

LOTS of thought & engineering needs to be done first though.
Half an inch off can make, or BREAK, this project.
M-10's or M-20's have been installed a lot on these machines & may be a better choice in terms of already been done successfully.

Either wyt, keep us posted since these are fun projects to watch.
I'd be interested to know what you want the R-motion to do that the M-20 does not.
The process is pretty similar, you need to see a factory sled with the skid installed and measure from driveshaft laterally to mounts, and then from level ground to DS and then to both hole locations vertically.

The ZX2 is the best skid I have ridden, I was impressed with the R-motion (the '21 updated one) I rode last winter but the ZX2 is still more 'playful' and sporty. I feel like superman when I am pounding the ZX2 hard, feels indestructible. I have toyed with replicating the geometry of the skid in aluminum to see if I like the ZX2 because of the geometry or because its literally unbreakable being all plastic and the flex that comes with that material.
The process is pretty similar, you need to see a factory sled with the skid installed and measure from driveshaft laterally to mounts, and then from level ground to DS and then to both hole locations vertically.

The ZX2 is the best skid I have ridden, I was impressed with the R-motion (the '21 updated one) I rode last winter but the ZX2 is still more 'playful' and sporty. I feel like superman when I am pounding the ZX2 hard, feels indestructible. I have toyed with replicating the geometry of the skid in aluminum to see if I like the ZX2 because of the geometry or because its literally unbreakable being all plastic and the flex that comes with that material.
Im leaning heavy to a ZX2 right now. The more I read about them the more I think it fits my style of riding which is aggressive. I’ve only found 1 for sale in Canada. No idea how to buy from Canada
I would love to buy another!

The biggest difference between the M10 and ZX2 is the M10 is like a cushion but I don't feel like I can push or or 'pound' it as I say. I love pushing hard in tight twisty trails jumping a knob in the trail landing on the top edge of the next mogul not bottoming out, then power through moguls with out losing control while I change directions. The front end is super light, and I feel like the sled is dancing underneath me all controlled by my thumb. Never do I feel out of control.

On the M10 I rode it goes through the moguls and doesn't bounce over them and you can bottom it out if you push it too fast. Now like anything I suppose I could have tuned the M10 more but I could already tell it made the sled feel heavier. It would be great at 10-20 mph slower and just ride through the moguls. I love that all my Doo riders, even much younger ones just cannot catch me in a trail. I'm not that skilled the sled is just that good with the ZX2 and boost, no one can catch you.

Now that said when you in a straight away boring railroad bed doing 50-60mph over a moguled out trail the Zx2 just bounces over. Then I wish I had the M20 air.

I did buy a Fast Air shock and was going to attempt to mount it in my ZX2 and control it with a onboard compressor. See if I could have it all. I haven't got there yet but someday I will. I paused everything thinking the sidewinder would just get me to abandon mod sled 4 bangers but alas I am going to be on a apex this year.
This is actually a cool subject because we have come to realize how great these machines were for a lot of us.
Unfortunately they are older & so are WE!
Buying a good used rear suspension, like a R-Motion, will be a great & inexpensive solution in the coming years to keep these machines rolling.
We just need some Guinea Pigs to figure out exactly where & how to mount them for best performance.

I nominate Brandon Doering as our new TY Apex/R-Motion Guinea Pig
This is actually a cool subject because we have come to realize how great these machines were for a lot of us.
Unfortunately they are older & so are WE!
Buying a good used rear suspension, like a R-Motion, will be a great & inexpensive solution in the coming years to keep these machines rolling.
We just need some Guinea Pigs to figure out exactly where & how to mount them for best performance.

I nominate Brandon Doering as our new TY Apex/R-Motion Guinea Pig
I'll second that nomination.
After all these years I still love my Apex even though it's not perfect. There's still some things like a better rear suspension that would make me want to hang on to it for several more years to come.
This is actually a cool subject because we have come to realize how great these machines were for a lot of us.
Unfortunately they are older & so are WE!
Buying a good used rear suspension, like a R-Motion, will be a great & inexpensive solution in the coming years to keep these machines rolling.
We just need some Guinea Pigs to figure out exactly where & how to mount them for best performance.

I nominate Brandon Doering as our new TY Apex/R-Motion Guinea Pig
I’m looking hard for a Rmotion and I will be that guinea pig for y’all.
I've always said a R-Motion "ride" in an Apex would be my perfect sled.
BUT we have to realize that this will take more than just putting it where the DOO puts it to make it work.
Weight center, shocks, valving & springs will all have to be considered to make it work.
If any of these variables are wrong, it will most likely be WORSE than stock.

Fortunately our new friend has the word DOER built into his name so with some determination & patience, we may have a new STICKY that reads "If your old butt hurts, do what Brandon did"
