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Anyone done a Rmotion 137 swap in an apex?

I put a 1997 ZRT suspension into a 1991 Shitdoo MX 500 The ride was unbelievable...... I do have a sled with a 129" R-motion in it if any of those measurements would help !
I put a 1997 ZRT suspension into a 1991 Shitdoo MX 500 The ride was unbelievable...... I do have a sled with a 129" R-motion in it if any of those measurements would help !
I got measurements off of an donor sled and I’m hoping the geometry still works. According to a few other people it shouldn’t be an issue. Only thing I may have to do is play with the front ski pressure after install.
Is there anyone I can talk to to make sure I get the holes exactly right? I want to make sure I get the measurements exact. Does anyone know of any shops that do this I can call and pick their brain? I’ll soak up any info that will help me get this right.
Update on process... I picked up a 137 Rmotion, tunnel extension, new Ripsaw ll track, studs, antiratchet drivers and new bearings. I still need to get some tunnel protectors for the extension. I have all the measurements but I am debating on waiting till spring to do this swap so I have more time as we are planning a trip in the next couple weeks. I had Chris Schmidt from Schmidt Racing do a stage 2 clutch kit and got rid of the Ulmer. Holy smokes what a world of difference. My sled pulls so hard compared to the ulmer kit I had. I will update everyone with all the new stuff and the total build. Super excited about it but I should’ve started earlier so I would have time to test and tune.
