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Apex/Attak Fuel Shutoff Valve

Cool!! The wealth of knowledge that exists in these forums always seems to amaze me!!

Thanks for the help. This is one less thing that I have to do to the new Attak.
and when you find the battery you find the oil filter and i dont know how that comes out, its underneath the battery holder..
trgcobra said:
If it is like the RX1, I believe it comes out via the panel on belly. I could be wrong though!!
No, the panel in the belly is to access the drain plug on the engine.
I guess that shows what I know. I have a 2003 RX1 with an Attak on the way. The RX1 only has 700 miles on it. To date, the dealer has changed the oil.
Two 12mm bolts to bull the battery tray out and the oil filter is easily accessed right behind it.
