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apex top speed vs attak top speed


Jan 22, 2007
Owls Head (Malone), NY
i am wondering whats the numbers here because i am thinkin about gettin an attak becuas ei heard that it was a lil faster and it also takes the bumps better and i am a HUGE top speed guy any help would be awesome thanks guys

i've had my attak to 113 m.p.h. on radar, that is with the ram-air, cr10ek, windage plates, track running freely, on ice with very little snow, i hear if you change the top gear on the apex to 23 and go with the white spring at a 3-3 twist, they will out run an attak
earlier this year we where runnning 1/2 mile on ice on radar and there was two 06 apexs the rtx ran 116mph and the gt was 114mph these where bone stock with studs and there was a 07 attack with only a few miles with studs and it ran 115mph.They are real close in speeds I think the apex with the attack gearing would be faster in mph wise.
thanks cause where i ride the trails areny always perfect and as long as the top speeds (stock) are close then i thinkim gonna get the attak. i may also do the ramair kit and possibly even get :nos
now i have a question does ayone know where to gett the low clear sharkbite windshield that is on the apex mtn? its not on the website
my rtx with 23 top gear and white secondary spring at 3-3 with no studs,will beat my bro's attak on top end he is studded and clutched,i play catch up from about 2-3 sled lenghts but top end i go by him
Simple physics, guys, everything else being equal including rider weight, a Apex should have a slightly higher topend. It is pulling 20 less lbs + or - than an Attak and a lot of that extra poundage on the Attak is crucial rotating track weight.
ummm,red you sqeek by me by about a ski length and yes you are playing catch up and that is on a loooooong straight way. and it's my white secondary spring lol
ricerocket said:
Mach, as a trail rider with a lot of snow dust, should I stay away from ram air? rr

i rode mine 2000 miles now,at least 1000 following closely behind buddy on cold tight twistys trails with LOTS of hanging snowdust in the air...no issue.

the PREFILTER is a very tightly designed material...it is used heavily out in the mtn applications and is made for powder...Ive had days where its been snowing so hard,that my ram air prefilter has snow sitting right on it...and i wheni get to speed it just blows off...never has any water been found within my box....i checked it closely after a pwdery day....works well.

