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Apex TORS 84 Code


Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario
2011 Yamaha Apex Se
2007 Yamaha Phazer (Wifes )
2015 Yamaha Viper LTX SE (Current Ride )
Last 2 rides I have had the "check engine" light & triangle warning lights come on with code 84 flashing.

It slows and limits RPM just like TORS.

I think it is TORS.

I can ride for 15 mins with no issues then it happens and I have to wait 30 secs by the side of the trail for it to pass then start riding again..??

Any ideas how to repair this issue?
Check the free play in the throttle you should be able to slide a card in between the throttle and the block.
Could be ice jamming up the cable somehow..must be cold were you are too.
Bypass the POS... that's how you fix it.

Make sure your speedo is functioning properly too. These issues go hand in hand. If the speed sensor is bad, or bearing is shot, it will set off the TORS.
Is the speedo working before it cuts out? If not then check your speed sensor. If it does work and you just want a quick fix then you can bypass it. I did last year for a while after I blew a bearing and destroyed my sensor. Follow the wire from the handlebars and make sure something isn't pinched.
Must be an echo in here? here? here? here? her her her he he he h h h :drink:
Mine did it 4 times yesterday in a 150 mile ride. I'm thinking the plastic bushing's on the flipper are shot cause I have a lot of play in the flipper and a good size gap to the block. Oh, speedo sensor, speedo and bearing are all OK.
be sure you don't have ice build up on the little button that the flipper hits when it is closed have had that happen after freezing rain if possible put sled in heated garage till it thaws out completely I would not defeat the tors it is a safety feature that can save your arm in a roll over. just my 2 cents of course.
How do you bypass the speedo sensor? Just unplug it?

My bearing went out and I have a replacement, but waiting on the speedo sensor to come in.

HorizonLs, just went through this. Screwed up my whole weekend. Defective speed sensor. No miles on sled. Two minute fix but lots of frustration if you think it's TORS or something else.
First time I've had the code 84 thrown on me today!?!
It happened twice after being stopped for a minute or so.
Went to give it throttle and it threw the code. I waited a minute and it cleared.
Speedo is fine?
I was thinking it had something to do with the alternator not having the system charged up and it's the sleds way of letting me know to "wait a minute"

doubler8 said:
How do you bypass the speedo sensor? Just unplug it?

My bearing went out and I have a replacement, but waiting on the speedo sensor to come in.


Got a code 84 after adding a riser. When turning fully left it would throw the code and studder the engine. Ended up replacing the throttle cable with a longer one. Now ok.
Got a code 84 after adding a riser. When turning fully left it would throw the code and studder the engine. Ended up replacing the throttle cable with a longer one. Now ok.

Just got my Yamaha Apex this winter. Noticed on a couple rides when I made sharp left turns it would flash the 84 code. It also has the risers, bought it with them on. After reading your post hope this is all that is wrong with mine. Thanks for posting.
