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Are stock Apex skis really that bad?

tryanATTAK said:
Is there a kit price for the 6.9 pilots like there is for the 5.7 pilots? I am thinking the 6.9's are the way to go for me as I like boondocking alot and I did wish for more flotation last winter. I really like SLP powderpros' but if the 6.9 pilots can be had for close to the 5.7 pilot price to me that's a no brainer. Gene

I don't believe there is. I was wondering the same thing a while back. Maybe you could strike a deal with your Dealer and see if you can buy the 5.7 kit + a pair of 6.9s and then return the 5.7 skis for the retail price.

Where are you guys shimming? What are you using as shims? Any pics?This will be my first year on an Apex RTX. I had an '04 Warrior that was like riding a couch. Some guys I know were using the carbides out of Quebec that had the big toe on them that would make a footprint and the rest of the carbide would follow. But you sacrificed on top end and we run a lot of lakes.
Rooster, the answer to your question is no, stock skis aren't bad. Stock carbides, in ideal conditions are marginal for a machine with this much power. Put on a new set of carbides and don't worry about it. Darting, schmarting, it seems that people on internet boards are fixing problems that they didn't even know about until they read it on the 'net. We've all done it. The problem with snowmobiling is that the season is so short. We'll grab a couple of brews and sit in the garage looking for things to "fix" on our perfectly fine machine. I just "fixed" my transfer bar this weekend.
Your sled is awesome and you'll love it.

rapeape said:
Rooster, the answer to your question is no, stock skis aren't bad. Stock carbides, in ideal conditions are marginal for a machine with this much power. Put on a new set of carbides and don't worry about it. Darting, schmarting, it seems that people on internet boards are fixing problems that they didn't even know about until they read it on the 'net. We've all done it. The problem with snowmobiling is that the season is so short. We'll grab a couple of brews and sit in the garage looking for things to "fix" on our perfectly fine machine. I just "fixed" my transfer bar this weekend.
Your sled is awesome and you'll love it.


I completely disagree. I think the stock skis really do suck. They do dart like crazy. I have 2 other friends with Apex's and they think they stink also. Also... ride the Apex and hop on a Rev after. That'll show you how bad the Yamaha skis are.

If yours work for you....great. You are one of the lucky few.

P.S. I tried rear suspension adjustments, limiter straps etc. I tried shimming, toe in - toe out etc. NOTHING worked very well. New skis were by far and away better than any adjustment I tried.
stoutner said:
rapeape said:
Rooster, the answer to your question is no, stock skis aren't bad. Stock carbides, in ideal conditions are marginal for a machine with this much power. Put on a new set of carbides and don't worry about it. Darting, schmarting, it seems that people on internet boards are fixing problems that they didn't even know about until they read it on the 'net. We've all done it. The problem with snowmobiling is that the season is so short. We'll grab a couple of brews and sit in the garage looking for things to "fix" on our perfectly fine machine. I just "fixed" my transfer bar this weekend.
Your sled is awesome and you'll love it.


I completely disagree. I think the stock skis really do suck. They do dart like crazy. I have 2 other friends with Apex's and they think they stink also. Also... ride the Apex and hop on a Rev after. That'll show you how bad the Yamaha skis are.

If yours work for you....great. You are one of the lucky few.

P.S. I tried rear suspension adjustments, limiter straps etc. I tried shimming, toe in - toe out etc. NOTHING worked very well. New skis were by far and away better than any adjustment I tried.

I tried every adjustment known to the Apex as well...Thats ALOT of clicking on those shocks..While I did learn what a big difference this makes the darting was STILL a major issue..It got down right violent at times...My one carbide BENT from the force of it following a track..So I have Pilots on Order..Should be here soon..Can't wait..Oh and I did find about halfway on the click scale works best for me...
I agree with Rapeape. Not great skiis but not the end of the world bad. After shimming one hand frequenly down the trail

I think alot of us mistake the wt shift of compression braking off the track onto the ski's (front end tracks and rear loose) while going straight as a darting problem. I know I did, I practiced coming off the throttle slow and noticed much less of the problem.

Any way I believe you had a bent carbide and I would wonder if it was the cause of the darting not caused by darting.( ? )

How would you get that much force just 'hunting a low track on the trail"?

My 2 cents

yamadoo said:
Any way I believe you had a bent carbide and I would wonder if it was the cause of the darting not caused by darting.( ? )

How would you get that much force just 'hunting a low track on the trail"?

My 2 cents


Well I believe I can actually remember the conditions for the darting causing the carbide to bend..Spring riding and very mushy..Deep tracks..Then froze..Nearly ripped the handle bars out of my hands..But I'm strong..So one bent from me trying to keep a straight line..Yes the bent carbide made the darting worse afterwords...BUT after installing brand new carbides...No bendy..Apex STILL darted like crazy...
rapeape said:
Rooster, the answer to your question is no, stock skis aren't bad. Stock carbides, in ideal conditions are marginal for a machine with this much power. Put on a new set of carbides and don't worry about it. Darting, schmarting, it seems that people on internet boards are fixing problems that they didn't even know about until they read it on the 'net. We've all done it. The problem with snowmobiling is that the season is so short. We'll grab a couple of brews and sit in the garage looking for things to "fix" on our perfectly fine machine. I just "fixed" my transfer bar this weekend.
Your sled is awesome and you'll love it.


I have to agree,I have an 03 rx1(I know wrong thread)stock ski's,8 inch woodys, 144 studs and it works great in all conditions except in deep snow.Yeah it darts but come on I got ONE ARM you don't hear me complaining!


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    rx1 jump 1 (2).jpg
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Put a set of this and resolve the problem.easy to turn no darting and corner like nothing i have seen or try.This model is the agressive,they have also a semi-agressive model.those carbite name is "Snowtracker".


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I am using Bergstrom's set up (shims, triples, and savers) on my stock skis. I also dropped the preload on the front springs about 5 full turns each, tightened up the limiter strap one hole, and revalved the rear shock with the heavier spring. I don't notice any darting and the steering is 99% lighter in the forearms. I guess I am either one of the lucky ones or I don't ride hard enough to notice. Either way I am 1000% happy with my Apex ER.
I thought the stock skis were ok as long as your not riding fast groomed trails. I put 2300 miles on My Apex ER with stock skis and in certain conditions they would be scary. Long fast groomed trails felt dangerous at times because the sled would pitch side to side and at 70 mph it felt like I was riding on the edge. The next season I put a set of 5.7 Pilot Skis on and I couldn't beleive the improvement. I put 2500 miles on with the Pilots and they were awesome. No darting whatsoever and the front felt very light and on those high speed groomed trails I could use one hand and still feel confident. The only drawback with these skis is in very loose or light snow they will push a little but not nearly as bad as the old precission skis.
