Axle Snapped in Half

did I read somewhere that micro belmont makes a stronger shaft?
Mileages on some weren't too bad; about 8,000 miles on '03 Rx-1, 99 polaris 700 XC SP now at about 12,000, another older XLT polaris with at least 5,000 miles, now gone off to stolen sled heaven. Current '07 Attak with about 3,400 miles.
Snomad said:
I have never broken a drive shaft. And if you think that this is a problem that requires addressing by Yamaha how about the Doo dealers that are welding the splines on the new drive shafts on those machines??? 0 miles, new machines before going out the door. That sounds like real confidence in 100% failure to me. And how about the first year 900 Polaris Fusions and their drive shafts?? Put it in perspective.
I ordered a 09 rtx apex but have a 05 900 fusion with 5000 hard miles on it. I had a drive belt last me 2500 miles. If the updates are done and you have a good fusion mechanic that did the updates its not that bad of a machine. Plus I picked it up for 5200 cad had a thousand miles on it with a years warranty left on it. still running strong and starts every time on the third pull and no axle problems.
I broke this shaft this february I think, and I replace it with the original Yamaha. Only 6000 milles on my Attak, but a studded track, clutch set-up, and a bit of drag racing!!!

I haven't read all of the posting but I was in at my dealers last week and had a sled with a broken shaft and he showed me the replacement one and it seemed like it was made of a different type of steel, it was silver'ish in colour and the older one was more of a gold colour, I noticed the 1 on my '08 seems to be more of a silver colour too, hopefuly they've UPGRADED them.
Broke my drive shaft right at the collar on drive side at about 9,000 miles. No throttle on to speak of climbing a slight grade. Shaft looked like the one in the picture further back in this post.
My RTX is getting close to 8000 miles and I haven't changed (or broken) the axle yet...
sj said: just jinxed yourself~

Now you've got me more worried...

I figure I'm one of the more aggressive riders and after this weekend I'll probably have close to 9000 miles on my sled.

It doesn't sound like many aggressively ridden sleds are making it past the 9000 mile mark without a broken axle.

Although, having said that, I do believe that I tend to be easier on my sleds in some ways. I definitely try not to be under heavy throttle when landing or riding over stutter bumps. Some of the guys I ride with who broke their axles often keep the throttle down hard in these situations (at least harder than me).
mdkuni said:
I called Micro Belmont today and spoke with Gary. A great guy! Website:

$175 for a drive axle that IS stronger then the stock one. Very straight forward guy. He said it is not likely that you will break this axle, but it is possible. Everything can be broke!

He also sells a socket and tool for the drive axle to remove the top nut.

I will replace my drive axle at the end of the season and hope to put my worries away.

Looks like a good option for us Canadians. New Shaft in Canada is 190 bucks. 175 American for a better shaft is very doable.
Oh yes mine gave this year at bout 3500 miles and left me stranded bout 70 miles out. Had quite a bit a ratcheting before it went and some flutter it snapped but it appeared that it was twisting for some time before it went. I've had a couple problems with my suspension but YES has been there for me and today its all brand new!!! I got a stock Attak but it F'ING RIPS!!!! I eat lots of you boys out there with clutched sleds with air box mods, plugs, pipes blah blah blah!! Here's a couple of key things.......make sure you replace the springs in the primary and secondary since its a cheap item and make sure you got a good belt with a nice clean area for it to grab and mak sure your suspension is dialed in with proper track tension and you'll be surprised as hell what this sled can do!!!!
