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Best Sway Bar Setup With Holz 41" Front End for Deep Po


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 16, 2003
Eastern Washington- Cheney
I just installed a 41" Holz chrome moly front end on my RX-1M. I have it dialed in for the trails with a 11mm sway bar and the longer sway bar links.
I plan a day of boondocking quite soon and I'm wondering what those of you who have the wider front end have found to be the best sway bar (or not) setup for off trail (powder) use?

I could leave the 11mm sway bar installed

Install the 10mm sway bar with the longer links (04 and 05)

Install the 10mm sway bar and the shorter 03 links

Remove the sway bar altogether

unhook one sway bar link

Also, I plan to put on my 05 Yamaha powder skis and try them for the first time as well. I still have my Simmon's skis on presently. The Power Pro looking Yamaha skis work better than the Simmons in the deep stuff, right?



Ran the 41 inch holtz kit for awhile and liked it the best with no sway bar,
but you can disconnect one side and try it. It should act like it has no sway bar. On flatter ground in the deep powder It seemed to take more effort to turn sharp around trees.

Just installed MPI 38 inch arms and I like the way it turns alot better but is a little tippy. I have alot of mods on my sled including a tunnel with alot of kick-up in the back and am going to try the lower mount bolts in the rear and try the sway bar on and off to see which I prefer.

The powder pro skiis are great, the only problem I have with them is that they carry alot of weight on the carbides in the hard pack and turn a little hard at times.
Thanks Mr. Pinball. I suspected that with the wider stance that no sway bar may be the way to go. I just have all these other parts laying around and thought perhaps a 10mm setup might be best?

I will try to do some testing as well.

Thanks for the response

If you have them all, you have to try them all and let use know what you like!. I like having the sway bar in for good trail handling. The only disadvantage of having it in is that when I tip the sled on its side, it is difficult to get it up to a certin point and then it just falls over. With the swaybar out its easyier to pull over and does not have a the tip point.

Also when side hilling, old snowmoble tracks tend to kick the sled more with a swaybar than without.

Here is some swaybar in boondocking action


  • sled.jpg
    52 KB · Views: 57
Candian Vector, where are you located. I want to help you track up that beautiful snow!

I will try to play with the sway bars and post my findings. It won't be until a week from this weekend though. It's drill weekend for my Air National Guard unit.

I had a Holtz 41" front with no sway bar and liked but I dont ride trails so I replaced it with the 38" front and no sway bar with Works shocks BUT I dont ride trails more than 10 miles to get to boondockin and climbin
