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C&A SKI DARTING FIX. Will Dual runners help me turn eais


Sep 27, 2007
North ND
I have the C&A Razor skis which would dart like everyone elses skis, when you would let off of the throtle. So i did the 1/4 toe out and 1/4 shim it seemed to help a little, so i took it one step farther and put a 1/2 shim in the ski mount this took away my darting.

I was wondering if they make a carbide like a dual runner or something to make it eaiser to steer, For C&A's? You ovisly need ski pressure when your running studs otherwise you'll get a push.

Any help would be appreciated.

You can put on a set of "duece bars" made by stud boy. But why do you want to put on dual runners if your darting problem is solved?
Mine do not dart either.

If your takling about the sled "squirming" around when you let off the throttle, it may be that your not used to the engine braking yet. If this is the case,try not letting off the throttle so abruptly. I also heard that studs will cure this. I just got used to it.
if you read the C&A setup sheet it says not to run any toe out. You want your skis pretty much even. I think a shim would be a good idea. They point downward pretty bad.
NB-NYTRO said:
if you read the C&A setup sheet it says not to run any toe out. You want your skis pretty much even. I think a shim would be a good idea. They point downward pretty bad.

yes! especially with the spindles more vertical than before, this will effectively lower the front of your skis, which will in turn lead to heavy steering and darting!!!

put a big #*$&@ shim at the back of your rubber mount the whole width. I used 3/8" lexan and it really brought the back of the skis down.
this should help with your darting.

it all depends on what state your spindles/front end geometry is at. the more bent/tweaked things are, the more shim you will need.
They don't make a "Deuce" runner that fits the C&A skis.
